Annual Parish Meeting Notes

Owmby by Spital and Normanby by Spital Annual Parish Meetings

24 May 2022

Held in the Bottle and Glass, Normanby by Spital

Meeting commenced at 19:30

Present Cllr Crompton Howe (Chair)

In attendance With Cllr Crompton Howe in the Chair there were 2 Councillors from Owmby by Spital, 3 councillors from Normanby by Spital, Cllr Bunney as County Councillor and 8 members of the public.

Owmby by Spital PC                       Normanby by Spital                        Others

Cllr Crompton Howe (Chair)        Cllr Widdison (Chair)                       Cllr Bunney (LCC)

Cllr Swift                                           Cllr Creek                                           8 members of the public

                                                           Cllr Moulson

1. Welcome           

Cllr Crompton Howe opened the meeting and welcomed the members of the public and Councillors. It was explained that the Parish Councils for the neighbouring villages had come together for their Annual Parish Meeting as an indication that we are working together and also as many of the organisations invited to the meeting to speak are relevant to both.

2. Owmby by Spital Parish Council Chairs Report

Cllr Crompton Howe delivered his annual report to the meeting.

Thanks were given to his fellow councillors

The Parish Clerk was acknowledged and thanked for her work through some challenging times and the training she had achieved.

Cllr Bunney was thanks for his attendance at meetings and the support he had given the council.

An update on what had been achieved throughout the year was given including appreciation of the improved relationship with Normanby by Spital Parish Council and how the two councils are working together on projects.

The full report is available on the Parish Council Web site - Here 

3. Normanby by Spital Parish Council Chairs Report

Cllr Widdison came onto the council in September 2021 and his annual report reflected achievements since that time.

It was explained that 5 out of the 7 councillors have come into post since September and there had been a period of transition. Also gaining a new clerk. Councillors and the clerk were thanked for their contribution to the council to date.

Cllr Widdison indicated that he saw Owmby and Normanby as 2 separate councils but one community and the relationship with Owmby is being rebuilt.

A new agreement has been drawn up to enhance the working of the Community Park Committee and further policies are also planned to enable the council to move forward into the modern way and be more inclusive.

The full report is available on the Parish Council Web site - Here

4. Reports from Local Organisations

Representatives from the following organisations attended and their reports where available are on the Parish Council Website.  

Women’s Institute (WI) - Report and Upcoming Events

Normanby by Spital School - Report

Youth Group - Report

Church, Water Colour Art Class, Book Club, Short Mat Bowls Group - Report

Community Park Committee - Report

The following organisations we invited but did not attend.

Normanby and Owmby Village Hall Trust (521965) – this is a registered charity fund being used benefit the community by creating recreation facilities on land donated to the Parish Councils.

War Memorial Fund Holder – this is a fund that was established following the sale of books written about the villagers who went to war.

Normanby Educational Charity (527731) – this is a registered charity so support young people of Normanby who are in full time education.

Owmby Cricket Club

5. Any other matters of Local interest

Purple Bins - Cllr Widdison raised a matter concerning Purple bins and how an apparent member of the council team was seen removing items from them and dropping them on the floor. Cllr Bunney responded by indicating this was not normal practice and he would escalate the concern as appropriate. Cllr Bunney also went on to explain what items can be recycled and that a survey was coming out in July where people could feed in their thoughts.

War Memorial – a member of the public raised the question about the state of the war memorial and what was being done to rectify it. The clerk indicated that this was being looked into.

Community Park – a member of the public suggested the inclusion of a keep fit “Trim Trail” along the proposed path within the park.

The Parish Councils – a member of the public wished it to be recorded that the councils had faced a long hard struggle to work together in previous years and it was nice to see that there now seems to be a positive direction of travel and they are working well together for the benefit of both villages.


Meeting closed at 20:45