September 2022 Minutes
Normanby by Spital
Parish Council Meeting
5 September 2022 19:30
Bottle and Glass, Normanby By Spital
Normanby By Spital Parish Council met on 5th September 2022 in the Bottle And Glass at 7.30pm.
Chaired by Cllr Firth
Also Present : Cllrs Creek, Elliott, Martin, Moulson
2 Members of the public.
A member of the public indicated he was pleased to see some of the previously reported issues at the bottom of Front Street and Normanby Cliff Road had been addressed but there is still some work to do. The gully’s still need addressing and the road surface is causing damage to vehicles.
Meeting commenced at 19:40
76/2022 To receive reports from County & District Councillors & Police, if present
The police report was noted. There were 8 incidents in total of which details cannot be given due to GDPR. PCSO Law thanked the residents for reporting incidents through the 111 number, all of which had been dealt with.
No report from Cllr Bunney
77/2022 Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. – Cllr Widdison sent his apologies. – Resolved to accept the apologies.
78/2022 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation No interest declared.
79/2022 To approve as a correct record the notes of following meetings of the Parish Council and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
a. Meeting held on 4 July 2022 – Resolved as a true record.
b. Meeting held on 8 August 2022 – Resolved as a true record.
80/2022 To note the resignation of Cllr Clinch
Thanks are noted for the contribution he made to the council.
On 9th September council will be advised by WLDC if an election has been called. Appropriate steps will be taken depending on the outcome.
81/2022 Policies & Documents
Cllr Elliot proposed to move Dignity at Work and Internal Controls Policies to the next meeting.
a. To resolve to accept the following
i. Dignity at Work Policy - deferred
ii. Internal Controls - deferred
iii. Standing Orders – Resolved to accept
iv.Co-option Policy – Resolved to accept
b. To discuss D&G Policy - deferred
Resolved to leave the adoption of the D&G Policy until Cllr Elliot has completed the training – “How to be an Employer”
82/2022 Personnel Matters
a. To note the Clerks passing of probationary period.
Thanks given for contribution over the last 6 months and the work completed regarding the AGAR and the policies.
b. To appoint an additional member to the Personnel Committee.
Due the resignation of Cllr Clinch a new member is sought to make up the committee. Resolved to accept Cllr Martin to the position.
83/2022 Discuss access to account
Further to discussion at the meeting on July 19th 2022. It was resolved to reinstate the Chairs access to the account. The clerk agreed to provide the information without delay.
84/2022 Facebook
a. Resolve to setup a Facebook page
Cllr Elliot brought this to the agenda as this was a good medium for advertising events by the Parish Council. Resolved to set this up.
b. To appoint administrators for the Facebook Page
Cllr Elliott agreed to administer the Page with clerk as backup. All were in favour
85/2022 To note Highways Matters
Footpaths have now been completed in Owmby and some of Normanby to a good standard.
86/2022 Discuss Planning Applications
a. Ref 045462 – This council has no objections and the clerk will update WLDC accordingly.
87/2022 CPC Update
a. Note ROSPA Report – Cllrs Creek and Moulson have looked at the required work highlighted by the report. All items are a low risk but there are some issues with trip hazards which need addressing. Play equipment – some bolts are not as tight as needed which will be addressed. A new gate is required at Highgate Lane end.
b. Resolve to accept existing DBS Checks for Cllrs Moulson and Leah and also Mrs B Moulson. – Resolved to accept.
c. Resolve to appoint a responsible person to carry out monthly safety checks of the Community Park – Cllr Moulson carries out monthly checks and will report back to the council if there are any concerns – he is happy to continue this. Resolved to appoint Cllr Moulson.
d. Resolve to agree Community Park 5 year plan be referred to as “Strategic Plan” for the basis of Grant applications and to add a sub title to indicate that it is dependent upon grants and fund raising. – Resolved to accept the change.
e. Resolve to increase the budget allocation for the swings in order that suitable ones can the obtained. – Resolved to increase the budget allocation for the swings to make up the shortfall.
Discussion took place regarding the swings and why they are for small children. Swings for older children are in the future plans of the CPC.
88/2022 To note progress with land purchase proposal – Joint councils met and discussed the proposal from Mr Jamie Marshall. WLDC indicated planning permission would be required. 3 quotes have been obtained for valuing the land. Mr Marshall has agreed to cover the cost of the valuation which will take place on 15th September. The Joint Parish Councils of Normanby by Spital and Owmby by Spital as owners of the land have an obligation to ensure the best price is achieved and the land should be sold on the open market.
89/2022 Training –
a. To resolve that Cllr Elliott may attend LALC First Aid Training at a cost of £60
b. To note that the Clerk and Cllrs Creek, Elliott, Moulson and Widdison will attend GDPR training on 8th November under the LALC ATS Scheme
c. To resolve that Cllrs Creek, Elliott, Moulson and Widdison will attend Councillor Training under the LALC ATS Scheme (with a cost of £10 per head for delegates attending full day courses with lunch)
89/2022 Finance Matters
a. Resolve to delegate responsibility to the clerk to process scheduled payments for approval as per the list provided and within agreed budgets. –
b. Election of a Finance and Audit sub committee
Cllrs Elliott, Firth and Moulson will form the committee. – All in favour.
c. To note the correspondence concerning the External Auditor Appointment Arrangements
All in favour of staying opted in
d. Resolve to donate £250 to the CPC to enable the CPC to assign funds to Swings and Electric and leave a contingency for events. Both OPC and NPC will donate £250 each. Resolved.
90/2022 Balance b\f - £5886.61
Receipts –
Jubilee contribution (OPC) |
£400.00 |
Cemetery Income |
£525.00 |
Payments to be approved retrospectively
Unity Trust Charges |
£18.00 |
£127.40 |
TJ Bookkeeping |
£30.00 |
Clerks Pay July |
£180.00 |
Clerks Pay August |
£180.00 |
Temp Clerk |
£105.15 |
Other payments to be approved
1\2 Share ROSPA |
35.00 |
Half share of Grass GC446PC03655 |
97.50 |
Half share of Grass GC446PC03586 |
145.00 |
Half share of Grass GC446PC03519 |
145.00 |
Defib Service Contract |
100.00 |
Room Hire July 2022 |
45.00 |
1/2 Share Insurance Uplift |
31.31 |
PKF Invoice for Audit |
426.00 |
Resolved to
Balance c/f £5146.05
91/2022 17. Date of next meeting – 7 November 2022
Finance and Audit Committee to meet on 11th October.
There being no further matters to discuss the meeting closed at 20:19