July 2022 - EOM
Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Normanby Parish Council held on Tuesday, 19th July 2022 in the St Peters and St Pauls Church, Owmby by Spital at 7.30pm.
PRESENT: Cllrs G. Widdison (Chairman), A. Creek, T. Firth, J. Moulson, R. Elliott and D. Clinch.
Apologies: Cllr A. Martin and the Clerk
In the clerk’s absence council unanimously agreed to appoint Helen Pitman as acting clerk for this meeting.
68/2022. Apologies for absence: Received and accepted.
69/2022. To receive declarations of interest: None
70/2022. To elect a new councillor as representative to the Community Park Committee: Cllr Moulson had expressed a wish to resign the position. However, after discussion he agreed to remain as the representative and was unanimously re-elected.
71/2022. To resolve to go into closed session to discuss staffing matters: Proposed, Cllr Creek. Seconded, Cllr Clinch. Resolved unanimous.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm