January 2022 Minutes

Normanby Parish Council Meeting

4th January 2022 7.30pm

Bottle and Glass, Normanby By Spital

Normanby By Spital Parish Council met on 4th January 2021 in the Bottle and Glass at 7.30pm. Chaired by Cllr Widdison. Present : Cllrs Creek, Elliot, Firth and Moulson. Also Present – Temporary Clerk and three members of the public. 


1\2022. Recording of meeting. – No one recording

2\2022. Apologies for Absence – Cllr Clinch, Cllr Martin

3\2022. To receive declarations of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – None declared

4\2022. Meeting opened to the public – No questions raised.

5\2022. Resolved to accept minutes of meeting 7th December.

6\2022. Matters arising from previous meeting – No matters arising that aren’t already included in the Agenda.

7\2022. Queens Jubilee June 2022

Grant application – need to have a clear plan of action before submitting the application. Must seek input from the Parish before proceeding. Need to come up with an appropriate plan to engage the public and to gather more volunteers. Previous events not necessarily inclusive of all ages. Application needs to be in by 15th March.

Suggested engagement methods – 

Survey Monkey – free of charge for 3 questions. 

Leaflet drop encouraging people to complete survey either through internet or dropping a completed form in. 


NPC to hold their own event and apply for grant in their own right. 

CPC have an outlined plan of tea in the park. 

NPC to form a sub committee to organise the event. – 

Cllrs Elliott, Clinch, Moulson, Creek

How best to involve parishioners

Cllr Elliott to circulate a draft of ideas to the council. 

Suggest OPC form an equivalent sub committee. Suggest get together of both sub committees – 18th January – location to be confirmed. 

Plant a tree scheme – from the Woodland Trust. Also possibly source some previously grown by the WI. 

8\2022. Precept 2022 / 2023

Resolve to proceed with the precept as agreed. Document signed by – Chair, Cllrs Firth and Elliott

9\2022. Accounts – still issues around completing the transfer of the bank account. The bank are not acknowledging the receipt of the correct paperwork and are requesting further forms to be completed. 

Bank Account update 

Balance to date 4062.91 

A cheque has been cashed from a previous payment of £70. 

Election costs

a. May £1783.42 Resolved to pay

b. September £2101.08 Resolved to pay

c. November £62.50 Resolved to pay  

d. December £62.50 Resolved to pay

e. Lalc Planning course Cllr Creek 13.50 – GW to speak to LALC as Cllr Creek was only invited to 1 course and the date was changed meaning he could not attend.


10\2022.      CPC accounts update – Information circulated to all councillors for info.

11\2022.      Review of Cemetery – Regulations for Burial Ground Management and fees. 

Increase was necessary as this had not been altered or addressed since 2015. Seek to annually review the pricing structure moving forward commencing March 2023. Resolved to accept the new Terms and Priced and all agreed to review annually.

Permission has been sought to store the books in the floor safe at Owmby Church. – Agreed this was a sensible solution and ensured safekeeping and access to the documents as required.

New Cemetery Fees document to be added to the web site. 

12\2022. Review of Community Assets – The ACV on the Bottle & Glass has expired. All were in favour of renewing the ACV. Cllr Moulson volunteered to complete the paperwork to renew the ACV for the future protection of the asset.

13\2022. Maintenance in the parish – Contacted Highways reference the Gully. Waiting for response. Barriers appeared at the wall of the Beck and then disappeared. Cllr Firth to follow up and also email Cllr Bunney. Street Light on Private Lane is still not working. It has been attended to but still not working. 

Notice board on Main St needs attention. Cllr Widdison to address. 

14\2022. Parish Councillors email addresses update - All councillors are now using new email addresses which is solely for Parish Council business. All correspondence should be through the clerk nbyspc@gmail.com and the clerk can then onward distribute to other councillors. Emails need to be kept separate from personal emails in case of FOI or SAR Requests

15\2022. Date and venue of next meeting – 1st March 2022 at the Bottle and Glass

16\2022. Clerk vacancy 

Resolved to advertise the clerk vacancy until end of January on the village notice boards. 

Public asked to leave at 20:24

17\2022.    The PC then went into a closed session to discuss the CPC 

Cllr Clinch arrived 21:07

Meeting concluded at 21.30