July 2022 Minutes
Normanby by Spital
Parish Council Meeting
4th July 2022 19:30
Bottle and Glass, Normanby By Spital
Normanby By Spital Parish Council met on 4th July 2022 in the Bottle And Glass at 7.30pm.
Chaired by Cllr Widdison.
Also Present : Cllrs Elliott, Firth, Martin
4 Members of the public.
Meeting commenced at 19:30
53/2022 To receive reports from County & District Councillors & Police, if present
Cllr Bunney LCC provided a report which was circulated before the meeting.
Police report was received after the meeting. There was 1 report of Criminal Damage on Main St and 3 reports of Suspicious Circumstances on Private Lane and Normanby Road.
54/2022 Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllrs Clinch, Creek and Moulson. It was resolved to accept the reasons as valid.
55/2022 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation
None declared
56/2022 To approve as a correct record the notes of following meetings of the Parish Council and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
a. Meeting held on 17 May 2022
Resolved to accept the minutes as a true record.
b. Annual Parish council meeting held on 17th May 2022
Resolved to accept the minutes as a true record.
57/2022 Platinum Jubilee
a. To note the closing report on the event.
The success of the event was discussed and thanks were noted as follows:
Cllr Elliott, the Community Park Committee and members of the community and the organisations within it.
The event was also sponsored or supported by WLDC, the late Dorothy Creek and the following businesses: Garners, Kitchen Produce, Carters Haulage and Saferoad VRS. Thanks was also expressed for their support as this enabled the event to be the success that it was.
b. Resolve to accept the spend as budgeted and presented.
The budget for the event was well managed and it was resolved to close of the accounts and make appropriate payments for expenses incurred.
58/2022 Policies & Documents
The clerk was acknowledged for the work that had been put into producing the following policies for resolution. Due to the volume of reading material it was indicated that not all documents had been studied by members of the council so not all could be resolved.
a. To resolve to accept the following
i. D&G Policy – To be reviewed at the next available meeting.
ii. Dignity at Work Policy – To be reviewed at the next available meeting.
iii. Equality Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy
iv. Finance Policy - – Resolved to adopt the policy with the provision that items indicated in the policy be implemented without delay and to appoint an Audit Committee at the next available meeting.
v. Health & Safety Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy
vi. Internal Controls - – To be reviewed at the next available meeting.
vii. Personnel Committee ToR – resolved to adopt the policy
viii. Publication Scheme Document – resolved to adopt the policy
1. Cllr Elliott queried the availability of historical documents and how they can be obtained. Clerk is to contact WLDC to enquire if they are in archives. If they are not then seek to trace them through enquiries with previous clerks and councillors.
ix. Social Media Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy
x. Standing Orders -- to be reviewed at the next available meeting (The clerk advised legislative changes to paragraph 18c that isn’t in the current Standing Orders adopted in July 2021).
xi. Volunteering Policy – resolved to adopt
59/2022 Election of Personnel committee
Cllrs Clinch, Elliott and Moulson were elected to the personnel committee – all were in favour.
60/2022 Discuss access to nbyspc@gmail.com account
Those present believe it was agreed at the December meeting that the chair would hold access to the NBYSPC@GMAIL.COM account. This was not recorded in the minutes which were signed as a true record at the January meeting.
The item was discussed and the clerk advised of the content of the Local Government Act 1972 s101.
Cllr Elliott explained that in the businesses that she has and now works it is common practice to have access to another person's or a departmental email in order to ensure business continuity in the event that an employee was unable to access their emails for any reason.
Cllr Elliott suggested that nbyspc@gmail.com be accessible by the clerk and one Councilor and a second email was set up either in the Clerks own name, as the Councilors email are set up or as The Clerk for more personal or confidential correspondence. The clerk said this was not manageable.
It was agreed to postpone the discussion to the next available meeting.
61/2022 Highways Matters –
There was some confusion over the works being carried out to the pavements. The Parish Council were not informed of the work. Information has now been received from highways and this has been published on the web site.
Some pot holes have been repaired but they are not of a reasonable standard. Cllr Firth agreed to report via Fix My Street again.
62/2022 Discuss Planning Applications
a. 144996 – Land off Front Street, Normanby by Spital
No comment
63/2022 CPC Update
a. Note findings of public consultation
b. Resolve to accept the Business Plan
c. Resolve to accept the proposed budget for the remainder of 2022 and to the end of 2023.
d. Resolve to accept the Terms and Conditions for hire of the park by members of the public.
Due to the absence of both Councillors who represent Normanby Parish Council on the CPC it was agreed that the information could not be discussed and the proposed budget would not be resolved. It was agreed to approach Owmby Parish Council to have a Joint Meeting on 19th July to discuss the budget jointly.
CPC Chair indicated that the plan is large as it covers an 18 month period rather than just the 12 months.
CPC Chair of Event Committee – indicated potential delay to organising September event and also funding applications.
It was resolved to accept the Terms and Conditions for hire of the park by members of the public.
64/2022 To note proposal in relation to purchase of land
It was noted to seek further advice and bring the matter to a Joint meeting of Normanby and Owmby Parish Councils.
65/2022 Finance Matters – see bank reconciliation to 27/06/2022
Balance b\f - £7215.98
Receipts – £881.82
Payments to be approved retrospectively
Insurance |
£144.59 |
Road Signs |
£192.00 |
Clerk Salary (May) |
£180.00 |
Hog Roast Balance |
£900.00 |
Jubilee Band |
£350.00 |
£21.00 |
Jubilee Exp |
£215.70 |
Jubilee Exp |
£27.89 |
Clerk Salary (June) |
£180.20 |
Total |
£2,211.38 |
Balance c/f 5886.41
Payments were resolved as indicated.
66/2022 Date of next meeting – 5 September 2022
Meeting closed at 20:41
67/2022 Resolve to go into closed session due to the likely disclosure of confidential information as defined in Section1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
a. Staffing matters
This agenda item was not resolved due to declared interests requiring two councillors to be excluded. Their exclusion would leave the meeting inquorate.