November 2020 minutes
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 17th November 2020
via Zoom
starting at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair), D Barton-Smith (Vice Chair), Mrs A Hanson, J Fox, Mrs T Firth, J Goodchild
In attendance: 8 members of the public and Mrs N Fox (Clerk)
The public speaking time was delayed by 5 minutes while waiting for the public to join as the incorrect Zoom code was published on the agenda
3 members of the public spoke: two asking how the Councillors can repair the disharmony with the villagers caused by pulling out of the joint Neighbourhood Plan. One supporting supplying a dog poo bag dispenser.
The meeting opened at 7.43
1. Apologies for absence: DC Cllr J Summers, CC Cllr R Butroid and the police
2. Minutes of meeting held on 26th May 2020: not having been approved at the meeting of 27th October, were proposed and seconded by Cllr Mrs A Hanson and Cllr J Goodchild to be accepted. All agreed. Minutes of meeting held on 27th October 202: having been circulated and read were proposed and seconded by Cllr Mrs A Hanson and Cllr D Barton-Smith as a true record. Approved by all
3. District Councillor’s report: No report due to absence
4. County Councillor’s report: No report due to absence
5. Highways:
i. the potholes along Private Lane have been repaired, but not well.
ii. Highgate Lane, no news about the new entrance but there are yellow markings in certain areas. Noted
the verge is falling away in places.
iii. Chapel Lodge Drive needs some repairs and two street lights are out.
iv. The Clerk to ask Highways if there is any way to slow traffic down in the village – especially the
road in from Glentham and Private Lane.
The Chair suspended the meeting at 7.50 as a member of the public managed to join the meeting. They thanked the Parish Council for the recent newsletter and in particular the article about Ken Green
The Chair re-started the meeting at 7.52
6. Finance: a) Green Grass – to discuss quote for 2021 which is £ 93.36 per cut. Proposed and seconded by Cllrs Mrs A Hanson and J Fox to accept this quote. Approved, but the check that Owmby approve it too.
Bank balance at 21st October £7,855.41
7. Precept to include election costs: After a long discussion, explaining election costs, due to an election being called to fill one vacancy, which could cost up to £400. Noted a full election will be held in 2023, so even more money will be required to precept over the budget for the coming year. It was agreed by all to precept for £5,748 which will include the election and leaving a reserve as an estimate. Proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Fox and Mrs A Hanson
8. Office equipment: Cllr Mrs A Hanson presented a specification. Cllr J Fox said that all types of laptops and printers will be looked at for the best deals and presented to the next meeting before any equipment is purchased.
9. Planning: application no 141681, 21 Main Street, Willow Tree House – to demolish single garage and erect a double garage with accommodation over. Noted notices announcing this application had not been posted – agree to discuss at our next meeting. PERMISSION GRANTED before the Council had responded.
Application 141803, 2 Appleyard Farm, Beckside – Lawful development certificate to erect single storey extension. No objections. Proposed and seconded by Cllrs Mrs T Firth and J Goodchild
10. Single Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr J Goodchild said that he was always in favour of having a Neighbourhood Plan, just not sharing it with Owmby and he hoped if we proceeded with a single one, it might help to unite villagers. Cllr Mrs A Hanson said there were some villagers who were prepared to assist in the production. Cllr Mrs T Firth said that there has not been a feasibility study yet and as she had done so much work with the joint one, she was not prepared to help with the single one. Cllr J Goodchild proposed, seconded by Cllr Mrs A Hanson that we proceed with a single Neighbourhood Plan. 2 against, 2 abstentions 2 in favour. No casting vote was taken, so this proposal was not passed.
11. Report on Training sessions: The Clerk reported that there are still ongoing training sessions which have already been paid for if anyone interested. No one was.
12. New website: this is progressing well, the new one is available to view but there is still quite a bit to do. Cllr Mrs A Hanson will put the link from the Normanby and Owmby Community Facebook to this new website. Cllr Mrs T Firth wanted to see more social media used by the Parish Council.
13. Cemetery-repairing footpath: The repairs started on 7th November 2020, but is not completed yet. Cllr Mrs A Hanson enquired why there are mounds of earth under the hedge row. It was agreed to wait until the work is complete and if they are still there, then we will ask.
14. Community Park: Cllr Mrs A Hanson reported that WLDC had given a verbal quote, which would be under £100, for the price of the waste bins they can provide and would be preferable as they have a master key for these bins. The siting should be as near as possible to an entrance, else WLDC collectors will not empty them. It was agreed the Clerk try to arrange a meeting between the Chairs of Normanby and Owmby, Jeff Summers, Owmby’s new Clerk and Normanby’s Clerk to clarify the situation of the CPC. Cllr Mrs T Firth said an admission had been made regarding certain damage in the Community Park and the matter has been dealt with.
15. Dispenser for dog poo bags: Cllr Mrs A Hanson said an offer of two bird nesting boxes had been received. It was finally agreed that the Council purchases on a dispenser from JRB at a cost of £79+VAT; and the bags cost £26. Cllr J Fox agreed one should be purchased as an experiment and to check if this does stop dog fouling near the school, and to suggest the school explain to the children and parents that it is there and how to use it. Cllr Mrs T Firth agreed to monitor the bags. The owners of a property along Main Street have offered to allow the dispenser to be erected on the side wall of their garage and Cllr Mrs T Firth asked the Chair to erect it. He was concerned about insurance if it should fall and injure someone. Proposed and seconded by Cllr J Fox and Cllr Mrs T Firth. There were two against, one abstained. Passed by a majority.
16. Newsletter A newsletter had been produced by Cllrs Mrs T Firth, Mrs A Hanson and the Clerk and delivered by the Councillors to every household in the village by November 13/14th. It had been well received by quite a few villagers.
17. Education Charity Noted the Parish Council’s involvement in this is only to agree the two nominated Trustees when their term runs out. Ken Green’s runs out at the end of December 2020 and nominations will be called for near the end of December. A notice will also go on the notice boards, the website and in the Signpost asking for applicants to submit their application to the Clerk.
18. Token of appreciation for Ken’s work: Ken had been asked what he thought would be appropriate and he would be happy if a bench, sited in the park, with a plaque was purchased. Cllr Mrs A Hanson to ask Mr Hanson, who had arranged the purchase of the benches already in the park, if he could get a reasonably good deal for another one. It could cost between £175 and £200.
19. Remembrance Day Service: The Chair of Normanby laid the wreath with Keith Hanson RVM, saying the Kohima and the Exortation . Noted the Councillors agreed to send Keith a vote of thanks. Mrs B Scott played the Last Post and the Reveille on her bugle and a thank you letter will be sent. 23 people attended, with some residents standing outside their property, and most people wore a mask and kept a social distance.
20. Correspondence: Noted the Police report, which had been circulated to all Councillors. One item was about the theft of a wheelie bin. Apparently as it had been left out for over a week WLDC operatives took it away.
Noted an email from Cllr Mrs Isabelle Brooke of Owmby PC, suggesting Normanby send Owmby their agenda and minutes, with Owmby sending their agenda and minutes to Normanby. It was agreed the Clerk contact Owmby’s new Clerk for a discussion.
21. Date of next meeting: Possibly Via Zoom on Tuesday 12th January 2021
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.10, the public left the meeting and the closed session began.