January 2020 Minutes


Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 8th January 2020 In the school hall starting at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair) Mrs A Hanson, J Fox, Mrs T Firth and D Barton-Smith.

In attendance: 7 members of the public and Mrs N Fox (Clerk)

The meeting opened at 7.30

1. Apologies for absence:

Cllr K Green, the Police, and CC L Strange

2. Co-opt a new Councillor:

Mr John Goodchild had previously been interviewed and Cllr Mrs A Hanson proposed, seconded by Cllr Mrs T Firth that John Goodchild be co-opted onto the Council, all agreed.

He took his place at the table and was welcomed by the Chair.

3. Elect a Vice-Chair:

Cllr R Bellamy proposed, seconded by Cllr J Fox to elect Cllr D Barton-Smith. All agreed and Cllr D Barton-Smith accepted this position

4. Minutes of meeting held on 13th November:

Having been circulated and read, were approved and signed as a true copy, after Cllr Mrs T Firth had questioned the wording of Item 14 1. Proposed by Cllr D Barton-Smith, seconded by Cllr J Fox – the majority agreed.

5. District Councillor’s report:

No report sent.

6. County Councillor’s report:

No report sent.

7. Police report:

A report had been circulated, but there was one incident not included. Agreed to mention this to PCSO Angie Law.

8. Highways:

i. the broken kerb between the B&G and PO has been repaired

ii. the potholes along Highgate Lane have been filled in

iii. A letter from a villager asking for the potholes along Private Lane be filled in – agreed to report this to Highways and to ask them if some sort of calming measure could be looked into.

9. Councillor training:

Agreed to book Cllr J Goodchild into a training session for new Councillors, to be held on 4th February. Agreed to pay for the Annual Training Scheme, arranged by LALC, which runs from April 2020 to March 2021, at a cost of £120 as hopefully other Councillors and the Clerk will attend other training sessions.

10: Dog bins:

This item should have said dog poo bags – Cllr T Firth agreed to investigate if bags bought from the local shop would fit into any bag dispenser. A resident has offered for a bag bin to be located on their garage door.

11: Finance:

a) Final precept amount: £2,800, same as estimate. 2 Cllrs, the Chair and the Clerk signed the form

b) Hire of school hall £5 per hour (without kitchen) + caretaker cost of £30

c) Toner cartridge for PC printer £28.61

d) Money in from pre-purchase burial plot £350 and interment of ashes £50 into existing grave, half of which goes to Owmby Parish Council

The above being proposed by Cllr D Barton-Smith, seconded by Cllr Mrs A Hanson to be accepted, all agreed.

Balance in bank at 21.11.19 £8,013.30

12.: Planning:

Application no 140224 Keepers Cottage, Main Street, a request for certain conditions of previous application (134255) to be removed – Nothing to report

Application no 140254 The Poplars, Main Street, a re-submission of application (139326) – Nothing to report

13.Community Park Report:

d) Ratify new committee members – Cllr J Fox proposed, seconded Barton-Smith that Cllr Mrs A Hanson be elected to the committee. A majority agreed. Noted Cllr Mrs A Hanson declared a non-pecuniary interest.

a) Cllr A Hanson reported that a very successful Christmas Jumper walk had taken place during December that had a number of attendees. It was reported that the Christmas Raffle was very successful however, it was stated that a number of people within the community had refused to buy tickets because the goods were not purchased within the village shop. Cllr Mrs T Firth stated that the raffle prizes had been donated.

b) Cllr Mrs A Hanson gave the financial report the Christmas Jumper Walk raised a total of £142.00. The raffle raised £205.62 (257 tickets sold @ £1 each with a printing deduction of £51.38), A full up to date financial statement was not available but as at the 1 Oct 19 there was £2105.67 in the account, with a £1185.83 VAT to be reclaimed on the play equipment.

c) Terms of Reference needs reviewing and a draft had been sent to all Councillors which was discussed. Cllr Mrs T Firth (who is on a Community Park sub-committee) said it was not flexible enough to encourage more volunteers and it needs to be less onerous and more motivational. Agreed that all Councillors put their views in an email and send to Cllr Mrs A Hanson.

14. MoU – Memorandum of Understanding: (regarding Normanby withdrawing from sharing the Neighbourhood Plan with Owmby).

Noted Cllr Mrs T Firth declared a non-pecuniary interest.

A draft had been sent to Owmby Parish Council late November 2019, but Owmby’s response was not received until the day before this meeting (7th January 2020) so the Council agreed to delay a response until all had had a chance to read and seek more advice, and for the Chair of Owmby and the Chair of Normanby to have a meeting.

15. Cemetery:

Noted there is still no fixed notice board. The Chair said he would get on with it. Agreed to ask the Chair of Owmby Parish Council why the repairs to the path have still not been done and if the quote of £1,309.34, received December 2017 still holds good.

16. Use of website:

Cllr J Fox said that a Normanby by Spital Parish Council Facebook facility had been set up by Adele Crowther in 2012 but had never really been used. All information can be put on the Parish Council website, which was set up by Lincolnshire County Council and is moderated as opposed to Facebook, so it is safer to use the website. Cllr Mrs T Firth did not agree and said she would not use the website.

17. Correspondence:

Noted an email from Mrs B Moulson asking the Council to alter the draft minutes, but the Clerk had received confirmation that only Parish Councillors can ask for the minutes to be changed.

Noted an email from Mrs N Dawson regarding the state of Private Lane, as noted under item 8 iii.

18. Date and venue of next meeting: Wednesday 18th March 2020 in the school hall.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair closed the meeting at 8.38pm