May 2020 Minutes


Minutes of a closed meeting held via Zoom on 8th May 2020 starting at 7.00pm

Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair), D Barton-Smith (Vice-Chair), K Green, Mrs A Hanson, J Fox, Mrs T Firth and J Goodchild

In attendance: Mrs N Fox (Clerk)

The meeting opened at 7.00

1. Apologies for absence:


2. Minutes of meeting held on 8th January

Having been circulated and read, were approved and signed as a true copy. Proposed by Cllr D Barton-Smith, seconded by Cllr Mrs A Hanson.

Minutes of meeting held via Zoom on 30th April having been circulated and read, were questioned by Cllr Mrs T Firth. After agreeing to delete named persons, but not to change the wording, Cllrs Mrs A Hanson proposed, seconded by Cllr J Fox that these minutes be approved.

One Cllr objected and the Chair abstained as he had not been able to hear all of what was said at the meeting.

These minutes were Approved by a majority vote.

3. Highways:

i. the broken kerb between the B&G and PO has been repaired

ii. the potholes along Highgate Lane have been very badly filled in – agreed

Clerk to contact Highways and mention Private Lane again.

4. Finance:

a) Discuss how to make payments during Covid-19 lockdown – Cllr Mrs A Hanson proposed and Cllr J Goodchild seconded that the Clerk make payments by BACs, using her own account and payments to be refunded as soon as cheques can be signed by two Councillors again.

b) Green Grass – cemetery grass and hedge cut £213.36

c) LALC Annual subscription £102.00

d) to approve draft accounts to 31.3.20

e) Zurich Insurance (reminder received 6.8.20) £144.59

Cllr J Goodchild proposed, seconded by Cllr Mrs A Hanson the above be approved.

All agreed

Balance in bank at 21.4.20 £8,909.70

5. NP – to collate all Cllrs comments (at the request of Cllr Mrs T Firth) to be referred to at the Annual Parish Meeting. No vote to be taken.

The Clerk read out a statement that she had collated from Cllrs comments and had circulated. Cllr Mrs T Firth had not had time to read this statement but the Chair said she could comment at the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

6. Defibrillator:

Noted that an ex Councillor was still prepared to check the defibrillator, but it was felt that a serving Councillor should take this on. Cllr J Goodchild offered to be a checker together with Cllr Mrs A Hanson, working on a rota system. Cllr D BartonSmith proposed, seconded by Cllr J Fox that the offer be accepted. All agreed. The Clerk to advise the ex Councillor and to thank them.

7. Councillor Training:

Cllr Mrs A Hanson, who had been booked into a Councillors Training Session before lockdown, agreed to join a Zoom training session when it was arranged. Noted no other Councillor wanted to join the training session. Noted that Cllr J Goodchild had already been to a training session and had received a certificate.

8. Planning:

App No 140224 Keepers Cottage, Main Street - a request for certain conditions of previous application (134255) to be removed. APPROVED

App No 140254 The Poplars, Main Street – a re-submission of application (139326) APPROVED

No other applications had been received

9. Cemetery: fixed notice board

Noted a notice board has now been sited. Cllr J Fox thanked the Chair for doing a very good job in making the notice board and erecting it.

Path repair – we have been waiting since early 2018 for it to be repaired, agreed the Clerk to ask Owmby Chair, again, if the quote still stands and ask when to job will be done.

10. Correspondence received up to 8.5.20

The Clerk had received a phone call regarding the unofficial foot entrance at the Owmby end of the community field, which was caused when the electricity company was relaying lines and was being used now by the public. The gap is adjacent a dyke with a property the other side of the dyke. Agreed to ask the Community Park Committee to close this gap and make a foot entrance further north.

11. Date and venue of next meeting:

The Annual Parish Council meeting will be held, via Zoom on Tuesday May 26th. Noted the Annual Parish Meeting cannot be held via Zoom.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair closed the meeting at 7.51pm