April 2020 Minutes
Minutes of a meeting held on Thursday 30 April 2020 using Zoom starting at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair) D Barton-Smith (vice-Chair) Mrs A Hanson, J Fox, Mrs T Firth, J Goodchild
In attendance: 7 members of the public and Mrs N Fox (Clerk)
As this was the first time using Zoom, to get everyone settled the meeting did not commence until 7.35.
A member of neighbourhood Plan Steering Group said that the Council had received all information regarding the Neighbourhood Plan and they should reconsider their decision.
A second speaker agreed with the first, but then continued to talk. He was muted, but managed to unmute himself, he was drinking. Unfortunately, the Chair had lost sound and did not hear the aggressive and intimidating tirade.
A third speaker asked for more details about why the Council had pulled out of sharing the joint NP with Owmby. He was told that the Councillors did not respond at this time, but would answer his question when the item came up on the agenda. No one else wanted to speak, so the meeting was opened at 7.45.
The Chair was getting intermittent sound, so the Vice Chair took over the meeting but the second speaker would not stop talking, very aggressively and kept unmuting himself, so the Vice Chair proposed the meeting be closed, Cllrs Mrs A Hanson seconded, all but Cllr Mrs Tracey Firth agreed the meeting be closed.
Footnote: This was the first meeting using Zoom, the Clerk had made clear to all Cllrs that there was only 40 minutes allowed for the meeting, so it was hoped the agenda could be got through. One person in the public made no allowance for this initial Zoom meeting, held it all up, upset most of the Cllrs. Due to the Clerk trying to control the meeting with Zoom controls and as the Chair did not have sound, she failed to let Cllr K Green into the meeting, who had been waiting.