October 2020 Minutes
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 27th October 2020
via Zoom starting at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair) Mrs A Hanson, J Fox, Mrs T Firth, J Goodchild and D Barton-Smith.
In attendance: 8 members of the public and Mrs N Fox (Clerk)
5 members of the public spoke: some about the minutes of meeting held on 26th May being incorrectly recorded under item 7b) and one said that the dog poo bag bins for dogs had been spoken about over 3 years ago, and a question regarding the level of financial reserves.
The meeting opened at 7.50
1. Apologies for absence: none were received
2. Minutes of meeting held on 26th May 2020: having been circulated and read and after Cllr Mrs T Firth said that the minutes were incorrect in saying – under item 7b) “this was agreed by a majority vote” the words were deleted. It was intimated, but not voted on that these minuted be approved.
3. Highways: i. the potholes along Private Lane are alright at the moment but Highgate Lane is in a very bad state
ii. a new entrance has appeared along Highgate Lane – near Gallows Farm and the Clerk is waiting for Highways to respond.
iii. Cllr Mrs T Firth mentioned that anyone can report a highway problem and the email address will be put up on our website. It is called fixmystreet.com
4. Finance: a) Green Grass – cemetery cut £ 93.36
b) Nigel Heather – park cut £307.50
c) Zoom subscription £ 60.00
d) Poppy wreath £ 17.00
Cllr Mrs A Hanson proposed; Cllr Mrs T Firth seconded that these be paid – all agreed
Bank balance at 21st September £7,948.77
5. Precept to include election costs: Agreed this be deferred until next meeting as the budget has not yet been approved.
6. Office equipment: a new laptop and printer is needed and a pay as u go mobile phone. Agree to acquire 3 quotes for all items and to bring to next meeting.
7. Planning: application no 141681, 21 Main Street, Willow Tree House – to demolish single garage and erect a double garage with accommodation over. Noted notices announcing this application had not been posted – agree to discuss at our next meeting.
8. Report on Training sessions: Cllr Mrs A Hanson and the Clerk had attended numerous training sessions and have now produced 6 policies, with 3 more to follow.
9. New website: this is under construction, but LCC seem to keep changing it. Should be ready by December 2020. Cllr Mrs T Firth would like to see the Council use Facebook more and other forms of social media. To be discussed more fully at the next meeting.
10. Cemetery-repairing footpath Cllr Mrs T Firth reported her conversation with the Chair of Owmby and the work should start 7th November 2020.
11. Community Park Cllr Mrs A Hanson reported that the reports sent by Cllr Mrs I Brook (Owmby) on 26th October 2020 will be attached to these minutes, but the Community Park bank account needs to be looked at.
12. Dispenser for dog poo bags Cllr Mrs T Firth has verbally given a quote from JRB at a cost of £79+VAT; bracket at £91+VAT and the bags cost £26. This proposal will be discussed at the next meeting, though some Councillors were of the opinion that, for Good Practice, owners should be responsible for their dogs. Cllr Mrs A Hanson said that WLDC have introduced a scheme to train dog wardens free of charge.
13. Newsletter In the absence of the Signpost, it as agreed to produce a leaflet. Cllr Mrs T Firth said she could print it, Cllr Mrs A Hanson will assist with the layout and contents and the Clerk will edit it.
Proposed by Cllr R Bellamy, seconded by Cllr J Fox – all agreed.
14. Donations Following guidelines from a training session, any donations must benefit the villagers and not necessarily given to a charity as the money would just be absorbed.
15. Education Charity Noted the Parish Council’s involvement in this is only to agree the two nominated Trustees when their term runs out. Ken Green’s runs out at the end of December 2020 and nominations will be called for near the end of December and the Council will then vote if there is more than one applicant. A notice will also go on the notice boards, the website and in the newsletter asking parents with children still in education – up to the age of 25 – to inform Mrs M Gariff by 4th December 2020.
16. Token of appreciation for Ken’s work It was agreed to ask Ken if he had any thoughts on what would be suitable. Agreed to discuss more fully at next meeting.
17. Armistice Day Service There will be no formal service this year due to the Covid 19 pandemic but the Chair of Normanby will lay a wreath on the 11th November.
18. Correspondence 3 letters relating to item 7a and 7b of the last minutes had already been stated in the public speaking time, but one letter was read out in full.
19. Date of next meeting Via Zoom on 17th November starting at 7.30
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.35, the public left the meeting and the closed session began.