May 2020 Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26th May 2020
Via Zoom
starting at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair), D Barton Smith (Vice Chair), K Green, Mrs A Hanson, J Fox, Mrs T Firth and J Goodchild

In attendance:- 14 member of the public and Mrs N Fox (Clerk)    

Public speaking time started at 7.37pm

6 members of the public spoke about the Neighbourhood Plan, giving the merits of sharing the Plan with Owmby and the benefits to both villages and accusing the Council of not following their own Code of Conduct.

The meeting was opened at 7.57

1. Election of Chair: Cllr R Bellamy stood down as Chair and asked for nominations. Cllr Mrs A Hanson proposed Cllr Bellamy and Cllr J Fox seconded. No other nominations were tabled. Cllr R Bellamy accepted.

2. Election of Vice-Chair: Cllr J Fox proposed Cllr D Barton Smith and Cllr Mrs A Hanson seconded. No other nominations were tabled. Cllr D Barton Smith reluctantly accepted.

3. Apologies for absence: None received.

4. Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 15th May 2019, had been approved on 14th August 2019.

5. Elect committee members for the community park: Due to Owmby not agreeing to use Zoom for the annual joint meeting to decide on the Committee for the coming year, we had to agree to ratify the current Committee.

6. To sign off Accounts: The Chair signed 3 forms in front of everyone, the Clerk to sign when in receipt of them and send off to the external auditor.
7. a) Neighbourhood Plan – to re-take a vote taken on September 18th 2019 After a previously published statement was read out, followed by some discussion 6 voted in favour of still withdrawing from sharing the Neighbourhood Plan with Owmby, 1 strongly objected. The Clerk was asked to write to the Senior Neighbourhood Planning Policy Officer (Nev Brown), Owmby Parish Council and the Steering Group to advise them of the decision.

b) If the vote above is unchanged: to look into the feasibility of Normanby PC conducting their own Neighbourhood Plan.

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.23pm