November 2019 Minutes


Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 13th November 2019 In the school hall starting at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair), Mrs L Houtby (Vice Chair), K Green, Mrs A Hanson, J Fox, Mrs T Firth and D Barton-Smith.

In attendance: 23 members of the public were recorded and Mrs N Fox (Clerk)

The public were handed a notice stating what could be discussed and the reasons

Ian Richardson, owner of the Post Office/village store said that if trade did not pick up he would have to close the premises within the 3 to 4 months. He asked for more people to use his shop, even if only to buy a little. 3 staff jobs were at risk.

Miss R Elliott gave the Councillors reasons for not pulling out of the joint venture with Owmby regarding the Neighbourhood Plan and implied that Normanby residents views were not taken into account. Mrs B Moulson gave 3 choices of how to resolve this matter.

Other members of the public voiced their views.

The meeting opened at 7.45, but Cllr Mrs T Firth stood up and addressed the public before the Chair had a chance to suspend the meeting. She explained, as the Chair had already, and the reason was in the notice, that the Council could not respond as this item was not on the agenda

The meeting re-opened at 7.50 after the Chair had called the residents to order

1. Apologies for absence:

The Police, DC J Summers and CC L Strange

2. Minutes of meetings held on 18th September

Having been circulated and read, were approved and signed as a true copy after 2 lines from item 3 had been deleted. Proposed by Cllr Mrs L Houtby and seconded by Cllr Mrs T Firth – all agreed.

3. District Councillor’s report:

No report sent.

4. County Councillor’s report:

No report sent.

5. Police report:

A report had been circulated, but no dates of when crimes had been committed, which had been asked for.

6. Highways:

i. the broken kerb between the B&G and PO has still has not been repaired though there are yellow markings around it

ii. the potholes along Highgate Lane have been reported but nothing has been done and even wider and deeper potholes have appeared. Agreed the Clerk to report this again.

iii. the road on Normanby Cliff, at the junction with Front Street has subsided and needs urgent repair.

Nothing further to report.

7. Councillor training:

Noted there are various training sessions available and Cllrs would decide individually, which ones they wanted to attend

8. Finance:

a) Green Grass cemetery cut (retrospective) £ 88.92

b) Half share to Owmby for community field grass cut £240.00

c) Green Grass quote (2020) for cemetery cut - deferred as incorrect quote had been received

d) Quote for cutting community field. Three quotes had been received and on the recommendation of the CPC agreed to retain Heathers Property Services at a cost of £1,260 (April to September) with the possibility of an extra £540 if more cuts were needed, shared equally with Owmby PC.

e) Agreed to increase Signpost donation to £150.00

f) Defibrillator training – to enquire as to the cost or the need

g) Hire of school hall £5 per hour (without kitchen) + caretaker – cost unknown at present.

h) Clerk’s salary Noted Cllr J Fox declared a pecuniary interest and left the meeting as did the Clerk and the public

i) Precept: it was agreed to ask for £2,800, the same as last year.

Balance in bank at 21.10.19 £8,102.23

The payments above were proposed by Cllr Mrs T Firth and seconded by Mrs L Houtby to be paid. All agreed

9. Planning:

Application no 140224 Keepers Cottage, Main Street, a request for certain conditions of previous application (134255) to be removed – Noted no objections

Application no 140254 The Poplars, Main Street, a re-submission of app 139326) – Noted no objections

10. Community Park Report:

i. a comprehensive report had been received, and circulated, regarding the Fete held on 8th September. A vote of thanks was given to all those concerned with the organising.

ii. a financial report received just prior to the meeting had been circulated

iii. co-opt new members to the committee: agreed to ratify Cllr J Summers by a vote of 4 in favour, 2 against and one abstention

11. Cemetery:

Noted there is still no fixed notice board. Agreed to ask the Chair of Owmby Parish Council why the repairs to the path have still not been done.

12. Dog bins

Cllr Mrs T Firth asked for a dog bag dispenser be fitted somewhere near the school at approximately £80 a bin and £26 for 800 bags Agreed to look into the merits and investigate more quotes. Cllr Mrs L Houtby agreed assist.

13. Autumn Litter Pick

Once again a lot of litter had been collected and a vote of thanks was given to Ruth Elliott for volunteering to take the lead this time as well as Simon Smoothey of WLDC for supplying the equipment and the efficient collection of the rubbish.

14. Correspondence up to 13th November 2019:


i. A letter from Keith Hanson was read out by Cllr Mrs L Houtby, and the reply from Owmby Parish Council was read out by the Clerk. Agreed a letter be sent to Mr Hanson, acknowledging his concerns and that he has the support of most of Normanby Councillors.

ii. Letters had been received from the School, Mr and Mrs Moorish, Owmby Parish Council, Mr and Mrs Bird, and Mrs I Brooke, in support of the Neighbourhood Plan, all of which had been circulated to all Councillors but were not read out.

15. Date and venue of next meeting:

Wednesday 12th February 2020, hopefully in the school hall.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair closed the meeting at 8.55pm