September 2019 Minutes
Minutes of a meeting held on 18th September 2019 at 4 Field Lane
Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair), L Houtby (Vice Chair), K Green, Mrs A Hanson, J Fox, Mrs T Firth, D Barton-Smith.
The Chair opened the meeting at 7.30pm, asking if anyone wanted to declare they were taking a recording. No one did.
1. Apologies for absence:
None received
2. Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 14th August 2019
Were approved and signed as a true record. Proposer – Cllr Mrs L Houtby; seconder – Cllr J Fox
3. Deferred from 14th August meeting
Neighbourhood Plan and to look at ToR – Cllr Mrs T Firth gave a clear and concise report as to the position the Steering Group have got to regarding this plan. Apparently Owmby are the primary Council – as said in the ToR (which Normanby had not signed up to). Concerns were raised regarding the incorrect mapping of Normanby village by Open Plan and it was likely that WLDC could override any planning matters in the Plan. It was noted that Owmby has not yet responded to a letter sent on 1st June 2019 asking for an explanation to a letter they had sent on 4th April 2019. The Chair asked Councillors if they wanted to take a vote regarding coming out of the Neighbourhood Plan. (Cllr Mrs T Firth said that if Normanby left the NP, she would resign from this Council). A vote was taken, proposed by Cllr Mrs Hanson, seconded by Cllr Mrs L Houtby and by a majority vote – 5 in favour, one against and one abstention a resolution was passed to withdraw participation with Owmby from the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Mrs T Firth said that she had no option but to resign as she could not work with the Councillors and left the meeting.
No formal letter of resignation has been received as at 23rd September 2019
The Chair thanked Cllrs D Barton-Smith, J Fox and Mrs T Firth for all their efforts in making the Fete an excellent and profitable success.
The meeting was suspended for 5 minutes
4. Correspondence received up to Wednesday 18th September 2019:
There has been a lot of correspondence regarding the Community Park Committee since the resignation of the Chair, K Hanson. It was agreed to write to the Secretary - as technically there is no Chair at the moment due to the CPC not following the Terms of Reference and they did not
have a quorum when they elected DC Jeff Summers as Chair – and advise them of certain rules they are not adhering to, in particular, the financial accounting.
There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.45
Draft prepared 23rd September 2019