February 2019 Minutes
Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 13th February 2019 at 4 Field Lane starting at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair), Mrs L Houtby (Vice Chair), D Barton-Smith, Mrs A Hanson and J Fox
In attendance:- District Councillor Jeff Summers, County Councillor Lewis Strange, Tracey Frith, one member of the public and Mrs N Fox (Clerk)
Due to the resignation of Barbara Moulson, Mrs Tracey Frith was co-opted to the Council and was welcomed to the meeting.
Keith Hanson – Chair of the Community Park Committee – reported that little had changed regarding the field, but a local farmer will be sowing grass seed as soon as the weather permits. Keith is in the process of making a foot path entrance off Highgate Lane. The fundraising event held on 8th February raised £346 and Keith thanked everyone who had helped to make it a success. The committee are applying for more grants and hope to put on more fundraising events. Keith was thanked for giving his report and left the meeting
The meeting opened at 7.45pm
1. Apologies for absence:
Cllr K Green and the Police
2. Minutes of meeting held on:
21st November 2018 having been circulated and read, were approved and signed as a true copy. Proposed by Cllr Mrs L Houtby and seconded by Cllr Mrs A Hanson – all agreed.
3. District Councillor’s report:
District Councillor Jeff Summers reported that the new Lea Crematorium is making good progress and should be open in 2020.
WLDC has more Neighbourhood Plans completed than any other District Council, with more coming through.
There is a Community Asset Fund available where groups can bid for 80% of the cost of the project up to £8,000.
It is hoped that improved medical facilities in Caistor may happen soon.
WLDC has a Lottery bid in for approximately £1.5m to regenerate Gainsborough.
Jeff said thanks were due to Alwyn Coles for the improvements to the front and carpark of the Bottle and Glass.
The Market Rasen Leisure Centre has the go-ahead and Outreach facilities will be putting on classes in villages which request them.
How to deal with food waste is still under discussion – whether to combine it with the green waste or having separate bins, wagons and crews to collect it. No decisions have been made yet of how to deal with Scampton Air Base when it closes.
4. County Councillor’s report:
County Councillor Lewis Strange reported that, unlike some other County Council’s, LCC will not “go under” in the foreseeable future, though Council Tax is rising by 4%.
Older people and children services have been given good OFSTED reports.
Highways are dealing with potholes and sinking roads, when they are not gritting. Highgate Lane is being assessed and the Clerk will advise Lewis where other road problems have occurred.
5. Police report:
In the absence of the PCSO, the latest crime sheet was read out which contained theft of motor home and tractor, 2 cars broken into, 2 burglaries and 8 ASBs. The Councillors felt that there is no personal touch any more with the police and quite often the public are not treated with the respect they deserve. There is little feedback as to any results, no police presence and few instant reports of crimes (even on the Police Alert). CC Lewis Strange offered to take this matter on, once the Clerk has given him all the information, which will include the original letter, asking about the duties and powers of PCSOs, which was sent to the Police Commissioner late December 2017.
6. Highways:
Agreed to remind Highways:-
i. regarding refreshing all white lines.
ii a loose kerb outside High House Farm,
iii. subsidence at village end of Normanby Cliff,
iv. more pot holes have appeared.
County Councillor offered to report these on our behalf.
7. Finance:
there are no outstanding bills and the accounts stands at £6,306.59.
8. Planning:
Application no 138405 – Windy Ridge, 17 Main Street, to erect a two- storey side extension PERMISSION GRANTED
Application no 138953 – land east of Lucaya, Front Street, to erect bungalow with detached garage. Noted no objections.
9. Community Park Report:
as reported above in public speaking time.
10. Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Mrs T Frith, secretary to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group reported that the event held on 4th November 2018 was a success. Approximately 30 survey forms had been completed. Children had been asked what they would like to see appear in the Community Park and what their hobbies were. A grant application to Open Plan will be applied for. Noted the NP will ask the Parish Councils for a “short term loan” of £210 for the Survey Monkey. It was unanimously agreed that this was unlikely to be within the powers of Parish Councils and that a request for funding should have been made before they did the survey. Their next meeting is on 26th March in the Bottle and Glass.
11. Street lighting:
A letter had been received saying that Parish Councils could pay £300 for each street light to be left on during the hours of darkness. Cllr Ken Green had worked out that this would come to £7,500 which would equate to £58 per property. It was unanimously agreed not to apply for this.
Once again CC Lewis Strange offered support to have our lights on during the hours of darkness without paying for them.
12. Dog bins:
The dog bin by the telephone exchange has been vandalised and/or stolen on many occasions and WLDC have stated that while they will (and have) replace(d) the stolen one this time, they will not replace any more and it will be up to the Parish Council to purchase a new one, should it go missing again.
13. Cemetery
Noted Owmby have not yet arranged for the path to be repaired and the notice board is being prepared.
14. Spring Litter Pick
This has been arranged for Sunday 24th March. A notice to go in the Signpost, asking for volunteers to contact Cllr Mrs L Houtby.
15. Correspondence up to 13th February 2019:
Nothing to report.
16. Date and venue of next meeting
The Annual Parish and Annual Parish meetings will be held on Wednesday 15th May 2019 at 4 Field Lane.
There being no further business to discuss the Chair closed the meeting at 9.03pm