August 2019 Minutes
Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 14th August 2019
At 4 Field Lane
starting at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair), Mrs L Houtby (Vice Chair), K Green, Mrs A Hanson,
J Fox and Mrs T Firth.
In attendance:- District Councillor Jeff Summers, County Councillor Lewis Strange
Mrs N Fox (Clerk) and 9 members of the public
Mrs I. Brooke led the half hour public speaking time asserting that item 10 iii. on the agenda should not have been on the same agenda as item 1, interviewing 3 candidates, of which she was one. In sometimes acrimonious exchanges about the Community Park Committee she said the Council should have given the committee a chance to tell their side of the story before having a vote of no confidence and she gave the CPC’s reasons why they had been critical of their Chair, who had resigned.
The meeting opened at 8.00pm but had to be suspended because Mrs Brooke said she, while not withdrawing her application, refused to be interviewed, given what had gone on in the public speaking time she felt she would not be treated fairly. DC Jeff Summers was called in for advice, and he said that the Councillors could decide whether to defer the interviews until another meeting or continue without Mrs Brooke. A vote was taken and passed by a majority vote (one abstention) to continue with the interviews.
The meeting re-opened at 8.15
1. Interview 3 candidates: Mrs I Brooke, Mr D Barton-Smith and Mr J Goodchild. Only the latter two were interviewed, the Councillors took a vote, which was tied, so the Chair had the casting vote. Mr David Barton-Smith was welcomed back to the Council.
2. Apologies for absence: The Police
3. Minutes of meetings held on: 13th February and 15th May (Annual meetings) having been circulated and read, were approved and signed as a true copy. Proposed by Cllr Mrs L Houtby and seconded by Cllr Mrs A Hanson – all agreed.
4. District Councillor’s report: District Councillor Jeff Summers felt that due to the time, he would not make a full report, but did answer a question regarding the progress of recycling food waste. WLDC are still trying to decide on the most economical way to collect food waste and that trials at South Kesteven, which have been going for over a year, seem to be working.
5. County Councillor’s report: County Councillor Lewis Strange reported that LCC are working on the Fairer Funding for rural areas, and that LCC remain solvent.
6. Police report: A report for the last 3 months had been received and circulated but it was agreed to request dates of when certain crimes had been committed.
7. Highways: i. the broken kerb between the B&G and PO still needs repairing
ii. the drains taking surface water down Private Lane seem to be blocked
between Wayfarers and Lindum House
iii. the road on Normanby Cliff, at the junction with Front Street has subsided and needs urgent repair. CC Strange offered to give support the rectify these matters.
8. Finance: Green Grass cemetery cut (retrospective) £ 88.92
LALC training session (retrospective) £ 7.50
WLDC election expenses (retrospective) £114.07
Cllr Mrs L Houtby proposed, Cllr Mrs A Hanson seconded these be approved
A late bill arrived from Owmby PC requesting Normanby PC pay Nigel Heather for the grass cutting of the field due to their Council not holding a meeting for a while It was approved to pay £710.00. Proposed by Cllr Mrs L Houtby, Cllr Mrs T Firth seconded
9. Planning: Application no 138405 – Windy Ridge, 17 Main Street, to erect a 2 storey
side extension. PERMISSION GRANTED
Application no 138953 – land east of Lucaya, Front Street, to erect bungalow
with detached garage. PERMISSION REFUSED
Application no 139326 – The Poplars, Main Street, to demolish a 2 storey
structure & construct a 2 ½ storey rear extension PERMISSION REFUSED
Application no 139746 – Keepers Cottage, Main Street – request for confirmation of compliance with condition 2 of Planning Permission (134605) granted 2.8.2016 CONDITION DISCHARGED
10. Community Park: i. Report: A report had been received and circulated
ii. Naming of the field: After a discussion it was agreed to keep the name Owmby & Normanby Community Park, but to ensure “donated by the Marshall Family” is visible somewhere
iii. Vote of no Confidence – it was agreed to defer this item
It was noted, with gratitude, all that Keith Hanson had achieved in his tenure as Chair and that families are now using the field is a testament to his hard work.
11. Neighbourhood Plan and ratify ToR: A report had been received and circulated. Concern was noted regarding the use of Open Plan Consultants and the request to pay – in full – prior to any work done. Cllr Mrs T Frith, confirmed that advice had been taken and the Steering Group had received recommendations before agreeing to go with Open Plan Consultants. Concerns were raised regarding the drains and sewers in our village and hoped these had been considered before the final plans go to WLDC. The ratification of the Terms of Reference was deferred.
12. Dog bins – 2 new dog bins have been sited (free of charge) – one at the main entrance to the field and one at the foot entrance, replacing the old bins further along Normanby Road and at the end of Mill Lane.
13. Cemetery – Cllr Mrs L Houtby needs to arrange a meeting with Cllr C Brooke to look at the rabbit problem and associated damage in the cemetery.
14. Autumn Litter Pick – this has been arranged for Sunday 22nd September and noted that Ruth Elliott has volunteered to take the lead this time, due to Cllr Mrs L Houtby working, but she will still arrange for the equipment to be ordered and for volunteers to contact her.
15. Correspondence up to 14th August 2019: Nothing to report.
16. Date and venue of next meeting – Wednesday 13th November 2019 at 4 Field Lane
There being no further business to discuss the Chair closed the meeting at 9.30pm