January 2023 Minutes
Normanby by Spital
Parish Council Meeting
9 January 2023 19:30
Bottle and Glass, Normanby By Spital
Normanby By Spital Parish Council met on 9 January 2023 in the Bottle And Glass at 7.30pm.
Chaired by Cllr Widdison
Also Present : Cllrs Elliott, Firth, Martin, Moulson, Pearson
2 - members of the public
Meeting commenced at 19:32
1/2023. To receive reports from County & District Councillors & Police, if present – Cllr Bunney sent his apologies and enclosed a report. Chair requested that any comments be forwarded to the clerk. The report will be published on the PC web site (Here).
2/2023. Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Creek.
3/2023. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – Cllr Widdison declared an pecuniary interest in item 7.
4/2023. To approve as a correct record the notes of following meetings of the Parish Council and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
- Meeting held on 7 November 2022 – RESOLVED to accept.
5/2023. Planning Applications
- To note the response to application 145868 in respect of Land off Private Lane Normanby-By-Spital Market Rasen LN8 2HF – It was NOTED that the Parish Council had no objections and information to that effect had been submitted to WLDC.
6/2023. CPC Update
- Elect a stand in committee member to cover Cllr Creeks absence –
- Cllr Firth volunteered to step in on a temporary basis. – all voted in favour.
- Events
- Cllr Moulson presented a report on the variation of CPC events in light of the current cost of living crisis. These matters had been discussed at an informal meeting of the CPC and are expected to be ratified at the next formal meeting.
- The parish council welcomes the suggested changes to the events program for 2023 and will seek to approve them and the associated budgets at their March meeting once they have been formally resolved at the January CPC meeting. With regard to the purchase of a marquee, this has not been agreed. The PC requests that 3 quotes are provided and this will be looked at in due course but priority on spending must be given to achieving an Electricity supply to the field and storage for equipment.
- Purchases – the clerk presented the concept of obtaining a pre-payment card to the council for purchasing items for CPC. RESOLVED to proceed if OPC also agree.
- Accounts –
- Discussion took place around the accounts that were presented to the Parish Council and the accounts presented by the CPC. It was agreed that the accounts discussed by the Parish Councils would be those presented by the RFO.
- The current balance of the CPC account was NOTED as £4,513.71.
- Swings – Junior and toddler swings are on order and currently being manufactured. It is hoped that they will be available for installation in early spring.
- Health and Safety Update – Cllr Moulson is carrying out monthly checks to the park. Some benches need repainting and the plinths need addressing. Mole hills are becoming a problem on the field. A solution needs to be considered as these become a trip hazard. Cllr Widdison to investigate. It was requested that Cllr Moulson forward monthly reports to the clerk for centralised record keeping and onward conveyance to OPC.
- Grant Update –
- iGas have expressed a possibility to fund the installation of electricity to the park. Cllr Widdison will obtain and provide a quotation from NPower by the end of the month for submission.
- There will also be an application going in for “Lottery awards for all” to install a footpath. Possible available funds are £10k. Currently obtaining quotes.
7/2023. To review quotes for replacement cemetery gates.
Cllr Widdison left the meeting.
- The cemetery gates are in a bad state and need replacing. Quotes we presented to the council. If was RESOVLED that RGW should carry out the work. Clerk to correspond with OPC with a view to achieving agreement in order that the work can go ahead.
Cllr Widdison returned to the meeting.
8/2023. To note progress with land purchase proposal
- Mr Marshall has been notified of the offer by the PC and has declined to accept this. It was RESOLVED to close the matter as no further action is required until such a time that Mr Marshall resumes contact.
9/2023. Report from OPC Reference Tree Canopy \ Jubilee funds. The clerk brought the council up to date with progress on the work. Tree planting is due to commence in early February. OPC is also exploring such ideas as bug hotels, bat boxes and other means to encourage wild life.
10/2023. CPC and Cemetery Grass cutting.
- The potential to switch contractor was discussed in order to meet the standard that is required and to incorporate the recently cleared orchard area. Insufficient quotes were available so this will be discussed at the March meeting.
11/2023 .Gov email addresses
- Parish Councils are being encouraged to use .gov email addresses to aid with GDPR compliance and to provide a professional impression to electors. The clerk presented the information and quotations supplied by LALC. It was RESOLVED to proceed and to accept the quotation from Cloudnext.
12/2023. Finance Matters
- To submit the final precept request - RESOLVED
- Current status of account -
Balance b\f - £4,857.75
Receipts – £0.00
Payments to be approved retrospectively
Clerks Pay\Exp Nov 2022 |
308.20 |
Poppy Wreath |
20.00 |
Clerks Pay\Exp Dec 2022 |
186.00 |
Bank Charges |
18.00 |
Total |
£532.20 |
Other payments to be approved
Payroll Admin July - Dec |
36.00 |
Church Hire |
75.00 |
Training (Lunch) |
24.00 |
1st Aid Training (Cllr Elliott) |
72.00 |
Total |
£207.00 |
Balance c\f - £4,118.55
RESOLVED to approve payments as shown.
13/2023. Next meeting
- Monday 6 March 7.30pm
Cllr Elliott gave her apologies
Cllr Firth gave her apologies
Meeting closed at 21.01