July 3rd 2023 Minutes

Normanby by Spital Parish Council Meeting

3 July 2023 19:30

St Peter and St Paul Church, Owmby By Spital


2 Members of the public present.

1 member of the public raised the ongoing issue around the Gully on Front St

Present Cllrs Creek, Elliott, Firth, Moulson, Pearson, Widdison

40/2023 - To receive reports from County & District Councillors, if present

Cllr Bunney was present and reported the following.

10th July – meeting with Highways to address issues in the area.

New grants schemes are all now open – CIF, Community Grants etc

41/2023 - Apologies for Absence  - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the  Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. – None received

42/2023 - To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – Cllr Widdison declared an interest in agenda item 45/2023 b

43/2023 - Co-option of new Councillor

Richard Baines was Proposed Cllr Moulson and Seconded by Cllr Elliott All were in favour of Mr Baines joining the council and the Chair welcomed him to the table.

Cllr Baines completed the declaration of acceptance of office in front of the clerk and will submit the remaining paperwork in due course.

44/2023 - To approve as a correct record the notes of following meetings of the Parish Council and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes of the Meeting held on 15 May 2023 – RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record.

45/2023 - Planning Applications 

Highgate Farm Highgate Lane – to note the council raised no objections and delegated authority to the clerk to respond.

2 Appleyard Farm Beckside Normanby-By-Spital Market Rasen – All agreed to submit a response of no objections

46/2023 - CPC Update

To note Grant Update

Footpath – A grant has been received for the footpath on the park and will be ringfenced until such a time as the work can be carried out.

Sport For All - It has been proposed to apply for a grant. The application window is open until March 2024

To note Project Update

The Swings installed and thanks were given to those who carried out this work.

Electricity due to be installed on 4 September

Health and Safety Update

The previously donated picnic bench has been removed from the field due to damage and being beyond economical repair. The donor has been notified and thanked

The climbing frame has some damage to the ropes but it is still safe due to the metal ropework in side.

Rospa have been instructed to carry out their checks and this will be done in the next couple of months. A request has also been made for them to provide a tailor made risk assessment at an additional cost of £30

Benches currently situated in the park have previously been donated with commemorative plaques. Many of these are becoming no longer fit for purpose as the wood is splitting.  Cllr Widdison proposed that when the benches reach the end of serviceable life they are removed. The plaque should also be removed and the donor is notified where possible with the option to replace. – All were in favour of this approach. - The matter also needs to be discussed at Owmby Parish Council meeting before an action can be agreed.

47/2023 - Community Park Hedge at South edge. – Discuss and resolve response re Proposal from Parishioner. There is a live electric fence on an adjoining property at the south edge of the park. The landowner has offered to put a fence across the gap and has requested pedestrian access to be granted.

Cllr Widdison Proposed that the request for access was refused.

Cllr Creek Seconded.

4 in favour of refusing the permission, 3 abstentions. – RESOLVED to refuse the permission for access.

The matter also needs to be discussed at Owmby Parish Council meeting before an action can be agreed.

48/2023 - Community Park Electricity Installation – To resolve who takes responsibility for the Standing Charges The main purpose of the electricity is to enable the community park to put on events more easily and without the requirement for a generator and the associated costs. Cllr Elliot proposed that the Community Park Fund should pay the standing charge. All were in favour. RESOLVED - The matter also needs to be discussed at Owmby Parish Council meeting before an action can be agreed.

49/2023 - Cemetery update – £25 Compensation for damage to the building has been received and this will go towards repairs.

50/2023 - Derelict property on Front Street – The clerk has attempted to report this to WLDC who require further details. Cllr Bunney will pick this up with WLDC.

51/2023 - Personnel committee – to appoint 3 councillors.

Cllr Widdison nominated Cllrs Elliott, Moulson and Pearson

Cllr Creek – seconded

All were in favour - RESOLVED

52/2023 - Review of Policies –

Health and Safety Policy – Resolve to accept (no changes) – RESOLVED

Volunteer Policy – Resolve to accept (no changes) – RESOLVED

Social Media Policy – Resolve to accept (no changes) - RESOLVED

Personnel Committee Terms of Reference - Resolve to accept (no changes) - RESOLVED

53/2023 - Finance Matters


54/2023 - Next meeting

4 September 2023 7.30pm St Peter and St Pauls Church, Owmby

Cllrs Firth and Moulson sent their apologies in advance of the meeting.