May 15th 2023 Minutes
Normanby by Spital Parish Council Meeting
15 May 2023 19:30
The Bottle & Glass, Normanby By Spital
Normanby By Spital Parish Council met on 15 May 2023 in The Bottle and Glass at 7.30pm.
Present : Cllrs Creek, Elliott, Firth, Moulson, Pearson
2 - members of the public brought items to the meeting.
1. Gulley on Front Street still requires attention, heavy rain results in flooding.
2. Water going to waste on Caenby Lane – nothing to do with Anglian Water – possibly environment agency.
3. Derelict property on Front Street – trespassers seen and has been reported to the police.
4. Normanby Cliff Road – One of the horses has been seriously injured – possibly with a knife. The incident has been reported to the police and published on Facebook.
5. A member of the public had emailed the council with concerns over the vandalism
Cllr Elliott chaired the start of the meeting.
27/2023 Election of Chairman and sign the declaration of acceptance of office
Nominated - Cllr Widdison – Proposed Cllr Moulson, Seconded Cllr Creek
RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Widdison as Chair. He will sign his declaration of acceptance of office as soon as is practicable.
28/2023 Election of Vice Chairman and sign the declaration of acceptance of office.
Nominated Cllr Firth – Proposed Cllr Elliott, Seconded Cllr Creek
RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Firth as Vice Chair. Declaration of acceptance signed at the meeting in presence of the clerk.
Cllr Firth then took the chair.
29/2023 Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
Cllr Firth conveyed that Cllr Widdison wished to thank all councillors for the past year and extended thanks to Cllr Martin for her service to the council. Cllr Martin did not re stand in the election. Cllr Widdison looks forward to working with the council in the coming year.
30/2023 To receive reports from County & District Councillors & Police, if present.
Cllr Bunney was in attendance and gave the following report.
Cllr Duguid has been elected as District Councillor.
There are issues county wide over policing. There are 7 PCSO’s based in Gainsborough. 4 will be covering Gainsborough and the remaining 3 will cover Gainsborough and surrounding area. Normanby by Spital will only have 1 Police Constable covering our area based at Welton.
Concerns over road flooding. (Cllr Davey – is the lead in this area). Cllr Bunney will raise the gully issue with Highways.
Rural Prosperity Fund is available for applications. – Expression of interest form should be completed.
31/2023 Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
Cllr Widdison sent his apologies – RESOLVED to accept.
32/2023 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – None declared.
33/2023 To approve as a correct record the notes of following meetings of the Parish Council and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
Meeting held on 13 March 2023 – RESOLVED to accept.
Meeting held on 18 April 2023 (Finance and Audit Committee) – RESOLVED to accept.
34/2023 Planning Applications - NONE RECEIVED
35/2023 CPC Update
Appointment of NPC representatives to the CPC –
RESOLVED to appoint Cllrs Creek and Moulson
Events Update
Cllr Moulson updated the council on the events. It decided by the CPC to postpone the August event due to the costs involved and the cost to the community. The Parish Council are in favour of this decision.
Banners – funds are available. Mrs Brookes is to circulate the costs. £30 for each banner and then £25 per event. Clerk to check what funds were allocated in the budget.
Easter Fun Day well attended.
Accounts Update – the clerk updated the council on the accounts information.
Swings update – Cllr Widdison is installing the swings at a minimal cost to the council and these will be done once the weather is suitable and the field dry enough.
Health and Safety Update – the barbed wire has been removed from the old orchard area.
Grant Update – Awards for all application has gone in for funding for the path from the Owmby gate to Normanby end of the community field.
36/2023 Cemetery update
Plots continue to be purchased and headstone permits providing revenue to the council as detailed in the accounts.
37/2023 Policies –
1. Vexatious Requests and Complaints Policy – RESOLVED to accept.
2. Community Park Committee Terms of Reference – RESOLVED to accept
3. Safeguarding Policy – RESOLVED to accept (no changes)
38/2023 Finance Matters
1. To approve and sign the Council's Annual Governance Statement for the 2022/2023 Annual Return for the financial year ended 31.3.23 prior to submission for external audit. - RESOLVED
2. To approve and sign the Council's Annual Accounting Statements for the 2022/2023 Annual Return for the financial year ended 31.3.23 prior to submission for external audit. - RESOLVED
3. To resolve payments and receipts as shown in the Bank Reconcilliation - RESOLVED
39/2023 Next meeting
3 July 2023
Meeting closed 20:22