June 14th 2022 Minutes

Normanby By Spital and Owmby by Spital Parish Council

c\o 11 Highgate Lane, Normanby by Spital LN8 2HQ

Tel: 07766 396061

Meeting of the Community Park Committee (CPC)

14 June 2022 7.30pm


Present : Phil Jackman, Cllr Andy Creek, Cllr John Moulson, Barbara Moulson, Cllr Darren Swift, Isabelle Brooke

Public : 2 Present


9/2022 Apologies for Absence  - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the  Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.  – Resolved to accept Apologies from Cllr Leah

10/2022 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – None declared.

11/2022 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the CPC held on 14 March 2022 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. – Minute ref 3/2022 was altered to reflect the Vice chair being seconded by B Moulson. The remainder of the minutes were accepted and signed by the chair.

12/2022 To discuss and note the outcome of the consultation meeting held on 15th May

                IB shared the Consultation Survey – (this will provided in electronic format for publishing on the Parish Council web sites). The event was poorly attended and not many surveys returned, there were additional comments on social media. It was still a positive exercise as information has been gathered with evidenced requirements. Information was supplied as part of the consultation exercise so people were making informed decisions. There had been a number of surveys in a short space of time  which may have disengaged villagers. Consolidated information from the consultation and facebook feedback is reflected in the results. The committee identified a need to look at alternative ways of consulting the public. Can it be done as part of another function?

A link can be shared on the CPC facebook page to direct the villagers to the Business Plan on the Parish Council web sites.

Cllr Creek asked about the community garden and where the idea had come from. It came out of the consultation as a suggestion from the public. The school are also interested in taking part in the community garden. Suggest to ask for help in building raised beds to save on expense of purchasing. We would seek to get a grant for materials.

13/2022 Resolve Action plans for the year (July 2022 to December 2023)

Grant applications – Any ringfenced funds would be used for projects. If the costs of the project escalated there would be no liability to the Parish Councils, the project would have to be adjusted to meet the funds available. Any grants put in now will be for 2023.

What is the money that we are raising been used for so far?

Events are a major thing with the public and this is the way that we engage with the most people. The funds that are there and will be added to should go back into events.

Cllr Swift asked about the priority for electric and water. Priority should be given to electricity.

Consideration should be given to keep a contingency of £1000 for running events.

Purchasing equipment takes us into the issue of storage. A container would be a solution. The clerk advised that due to spending regulations of public funds a tangible item needs to be indicated in the budget request. The committee is not able to make an adhoc purchase from selling sites on the internet unless a fixed price has been quoted.

The objective is to make it easier to put the events on and having our own equipment would make that easier.

Marquees and Gazebos are also a priority to ease putting functions on without relying on borrowing

Wildlife Garden – path needs to be considered for accessibility.

Suggestion for a Trim Trail has been well received can be done out of existing funds.

Events – Explanation was given to clarify the spend limits outside previously allocated funds.

Sponsorship – Explore the opportunities for funding from local businesses. – potentially for the purchase of marquees or gazebos. A resident has expressed interest in donating a fixed amount per year.

Qualifications – There are qualifications required by the committee – DBS, Food Hygiene, First Aid.

Following the amendments discussed the CPC were not in a position to resolve the plan. IB will amend as appropriate and there will be a further meeting on 28th June if the church is available. BM offered to help update the budget document.

14/2022 Resolve refreshed Business Plan – this has been put to OPC and resolved, it will be put before NPC at the July meeting.

15/2022 Discuss commitment for work in respect of Jubilee Grant – timescales etc.

Trees can be ordered now. Path work has already been started. A replacement gate needs purchasing (not part of the grant). Plan to edge the path.                                                                                                          

16/2022 Discuss sub committees and prospective volunteers

                A number of volunteers came forward at the consultation meeting. Details have been saved and these people will be contacted prior to carrying out works.

17/2022 Set time frame for safety inspection of play equipment as offered by member of the public

                Time frame cannot yet be set for existing offer. JM to speak to ROSPA with a view to checking the equipment at Cllr Crompton Howes prior to moving it.

18/2022 Set time frame and action plan for painting of benches and gates.

                10th July planned for painting. Notice to go into the signpost.

19/2022 Resolve to accept the T’s and C’s for using the park.

                Prop – Cllr Moulson

                Second – Cllr Creek

All in favour.

20/2022 Finances

Invoices to approve retrospectively:


Tool Station




GO Outdoors




RGW Services

*Digger and Driver Hire



RGW Services

Sand, posts, postmix


Prop – Cllr Creek

Second – Barbara Moulson

All in favour

21/2022 Date and time of next meeting.  

28th June

Meeting closed 21:26

*From Jubilee grant