June 28th 2022 Minutes
Normanby By Spital and Owmby by Spital Parish Council
c\o 11 Highgate Lane, Normanby by Spital LN8 2HQ
Tel: 07766 396061
Meeting of the Community Park Committee (CPC)
28 June 2022 7.30pm
Present : Phil Jackman, Isabelle Brooke, Cllr Andy Creek, Cllr John Moulson, Barbara Moulson, Cllr Darren Swift, Cllr Widdison and 1 member of the public
The member of the public updated the committee on the Jubilee Event.
22/2022. Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. Resolved to accept apologies from Cllr Leah
23/2022. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – None Declared
24/2022. Resolve Action plans for the year (July 2022 to December 2023)
IB presented the budget to the meeting.
BM supported the budget for overstating figures as this would give a worse case scenario. All purchases would be in line with the PC’s financial policies.
GW indicated a possible contact for Marquees.
IB – Sponsorship – Friends of the CPC – pay every year. Recognition on a plaque\gate etc. Sponsoring events for the year. Sponsor individual events. Need to draw up a T’s and C’s but this will be done over a period of time. IB and BM will research and take forward.
IB – Training and Qualifications – DBS, Food Hygiene (3), First Aiders (3), Need to find out costs for Food Hygiene and First Aid. Discussion needs to take place as to who pays for that. Consensus us that PC should pay for this training as the CPC are volunteers and these qualifications protect the PC’s from risk.
GW requested to discuss the Business Plan. He indicated that the Business Plan was vague. It was indicated to him that the content of the business plan is a broad vision and aspirational. The business plan is a requirement of grant applications.
Resolve to put the plan forward to the PC’s - Propose Cllr Creek, Second B Moulson
25/2022. To discuss the proposal from Andrew Garbutt
Goal posts are the favourable suggestion for utilising the funds. Discussion around how to achieve a suitable outcome for all age groups. 2 goals or one? Purchase or make? Size?
JM to research size and availability.
GW to research with fabricators for making.
26/2022. To finalise details for the working day on 10th July.
Cllr Swift sends apologies
Cllr Widdison sends apologies
All consumables are organised and available.
Volunteers to be encouraged to confirm so committee knows how many to cater for.
Cllr Elliott to provide drinks etc.
I Brooke to donate cake.
B Moulson to post again on facebook.
Potential to take offered climbing equipment. – JH check with Insurance
27/2022. Date and time of next meeting.
Tbc (after Village fete)
Meeting closed 20:40