December 2021 Minutes
Normanby Parish Council Meeting
7th December 2021 19:30
Bottle and Glass, Normanby By Spital
Normanby By Spital Parish Council met on 7th December 2021 in the Bottle And Glass at 7.30pm. Chaired by Cllr Widdison. Present : Cllrs Clinch, Creek, Elliott, Firth and Martin Also Present – Temporary Clerk and 2 members of the public.
Meeting commenced at 19:31
1. Recording of Meeting
a. Meeting commenced with a question regarding recording of the meeting. – No one was recording.
2. Apologies for Absence
a. Cllr Moulson sent his apologies
3. New Councillors
Acceptance forms and Declaration of interests received.
New councillors were welcomed to the council. Cllr Daniel Clinch and Cllr Amii Martin who took their positions following an uncontested election.
4. Declarations of Interest –
Explained to new councillors - None declared
5. Open to public –
Question from member of the public. – Flooding on Normanby Cliff Road at Paunch Beck. The flooding is causing damage to the verge. Member of the public has repaired temporarily and put a pipe in to drain the water into the beck but heavy vehicles and anyone mounting the verge causes further damage. Needs a proper gulley pipe fitted by the council to withstand traffic. Kerb is also damaged at the same place. –
Response – Council will report to Highways and see if it can be addressed at the same time as the wall is repaired. Member of public thanked for his efforts to solve the problem.
No further questions from the public.
6. To approve minutes of July meeting. –
It was resolved that these were now a true record.
Matters arising from July meeting
Unity Bank transfer – The reason for the requested change was to gain the function of Internet banking which is offered by Unity Trust. The council are currently in the process of updating access to Santander and are waiting to see if internet banking can be achieved with no cost implications. If there are no costs they will stay with Santander, alternatively they will re-visit changing to Unity Trust.
Audit Outcome - VAT reclaim needs to be done - more frequent budgeting and reconciliation – this is in hand and when a new clerk is appointed they will ascertain which VAT reclaims remain outstanding and seek to claim any outstanding at the end of the financial year 2020/2021. Once bank account control has been regained we can ascertain what vat has already been reclaimed.
Create Personnel and Finance Committee. Advice according to Part 3 – Ensuring Effective Governance (Appointments of Committees and Delegations) indicates that it will appoint relevant committees such as Resource Committee (which will cover staffing and finance) and also a Planning Committee. The council will look to address this in the new year.
Neighbourhood Plan – The council will re-address this on the March Agenda.
Councillor Training - new Councillors and GDPR Training Find out dates and cost of courses, Cllr Creek indicated that these are all day time courses now. Cllr Firth will find out dates and times for Cllr training with LALC. Also, availability\source of training for GDPR training.
Neighbourhood Watch – Cllr Firth indicated a lack of interest from the villagers following an article for request for interest in the Signpost. Suggested to put in Signpost for February edition. To discuss again at March meeting.
Review Community Assets - Bottle & Glass Renew Community asset – agreed to put this on the Agenda for January.
7. To approve minutes from meeting of November 8th –
It was resolved that these were a true record of the meeting.
8. Matters arising
CPC Partnership agreement - This was not on this evenings agenda as we are awaiting a mutually suitable date for a Joint meeting between NPC and OPC with LALC and Monitoring Officer from WLDC early January. Following this meeting further discussions will take place once we are in a position to fully understand what the Parish Council responsibilities and liabilities are.
Queens Jubilee – Grants available from WLDC for celebrating the event. It should be a Joint venture between Normanby, Owmby and the CPC. Understanding is that each PC can possibly claim for up to £700. If the CPC apply they will be seen to be applying on behalf of both Parish Councils and would only be eligible for one grant. CPC have suggested a musical event with lots of seating. Event should be for all age groups so should perhaps look at something in the afternoon and evening. NPC will look to have a meeting with OPC and the CPC after the Joint Meeting in January. Need to move quickly as many bands and facilities are getting booked up. Possible live band, disco and bar, kids fun afternoon. All elements need to have an input. It’s important to make it an event to give something back to the community.
Precept 2022/2023 – Following an in depth analysis of the financial position, due to costs for 2020/2021 going over budget in many areas, an increase is required. This increase has been carefully calculated to consider the anticipated costs of 2022/2023 with an element included towards the forthcoming scheduled election of 2023. The calculated increase amounts to approx. £15 / yr on band D property equates to £1.25/ mth.
It was resolved to complete the Precept Estimate showing an increase to £7817
11. Accounts
Special thanks go to Nadine Fox for her help in dealing with the Bank administration, which it is anticipated, will allow us to access the bank shortly.
Balance to date - £4132.91
Election costs –
May £1783.42 }
September £2101.08 } To be placed on January Agenda for
November £62.50 } discussion
December £62.50 }
WLDC has granted reprieve on payment of the invoices over the coming months providing they are kept informed of the situation.
Invoice for Interim clerk £31.32 – approved to pay.
LALC Planning course £13.50 for Cllr Creek. Should have been an evening course and it was changed to the following morning. Cllr Creek indicated he could not attend but they have still charged for it. Cllr Widdison will speak to LALC and get the invoice credited back as it was originally booked by the previous clerk as an evening course.
12. Grass cutting\maintenance quotes received
Financial dictates that we should go with the cheapest quote. Glendale indicate the cheapest quote for all work.
Glendale is proposed as this is the cheapest quote overall and proceeding this way enables us to secure a contractor for the grass.
Other items quoted will be put on hold and can be agreed for action with OPC as and when appropriate or funds allow.
Resolved to approve Glendale as the contractor for Grass Cutting and Maintenance. Work outside grass cutting will be agreed as and when. OPC to be notified of this decision.
13. Maintenance in the parish -
On 26th November Cllr Firth and Moulson carried out maintenance and repair audit of the village. The observations and actions were as follows:
General condition of the roads and pathways around the village are reasonable. The Salt bin was full which is located at the junction of Normanby Cliff Road\Caenby Road.
Some roads were surface dressed earlier in the year which has been of benefit. Private Lane is the worst area and we shall see how it fairs over the winter months.
Since the last meeting the following have been reported on Fix My Street
Unevenness of Normanby Cliff Road
Brick wall at Paunch Beck on Front Street has been driven into and need repairing.
Caenby Lane sign missing.
Highgate Lane – cones and signs are still in situ following road repairs and need removing.
Main Street – Pavement trip hazard near to Normanby Village Shop
Potholes on the end of Penfold Lane and Private Lane.
Private Lane Street Light = second on left not working
A road sweeper was also requested and this went through the village on 7th December.
14. Parish Councillors email addresses -
All correspondence to go through Clerk – to eliminate problems or confusion. It is best practise to have independent email addresses to separate council business from personal. All councillors have been set up with an Outlook account. Requested to notify Chair when they are up and running and this to be used for all council business moving forward.
15. Date and venue of next meeting -
19:30 - 4th January 2022 Bottle and Glass public house.
Public asked to leave at 20:42
Clerk left at 20:43
16. Closed Session –
Staffing matters – employment of clerk.