March 2021 Minutes
Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 11 March 2021
via Zoom
starting at 1930 hrs
Present: Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair), D Barton-Smith (Vice Chair), A Hanson, T Firth, J Goodchild
In attendance: 8 members of the public
1 member of the public spoke
The meeting opened at 1949 hrs the opening of the meeting was delay due to a Cllr having internet problems.
1. Apologies for absence: The Police
2. Minutes of meeting held on 12 January 2021: Having been circulated to all Cllrs, were agreed as a true copy of the meeting they were proposed by Cllr D Barton-Smith and seconded by Cllr J Goodchild and agreed by all.
3. District Councillor’s report: No report due to absence.
4. County Councillor’s report: No report due to absence.
5. Police Report: A report had been received and circulated to all Councillors.
6. Highways:
I. Concerns were raised about the numerous potholes along Private Lane, Normanby Cliff Road and Highgate Lane. Private Lane has been scheduled to have maintenance work carried out on it during the summer months, however it was felt that the pothole need looking at prior to that work commencing. The Clerk agreed to contact Lincolnshire County Council Highways Department highlighting the Councils concerns.
7. Finance:
Retrospective Spend
Description | Paid In | Paid Out |
LALC Training Subscription | £102.00 | |
Social Media Training (LALC) | £27.00 | |
Donation for Community Park Bin | £100.00 | |
TOTALS | £100.00 | £129.00 |
Balance at Bank as of 22 February 2021 | £4313.14 |
The above retrospective payments were proposed by Cllr J Goodchild and seconded by Cllr D Barton-Smith and agreed by all.
Proposed Spend
Date Due | Amount | |
Mar 2021 | Cemetery Footpath | £514.11 |
Mar 2021 |
50% of Grant received from WLDC for repairs to cemetery footpath paid to OPC |
£150.00 |
Apr 2021 | LALC Subscription | £144.99 |
The above payments were proposed by Cllr T Firth and seconded by Cllr J Goodchild and agreed by all.
8. Payment for Cemetery footpath: Concerns were raised by individuals that the invoice presented for payment is not sufficient to meet the Audit requirements. The document presented is confusing and looks more like a breakdown of materials. It was decided that the Clerk should request a copy of a full invoice prior to re presentation at the next meeting. All agreed.
9. Councillor Training: Discussion took place around Cllr A Hanson attending a Burial Training Course at a cost to the Council of £45.00. As Cllr A Hanson is acting as the Clerk and the Council is responsible for the management of the cemetery; it was felt appropriate that she attend the course. This was proposed by Cllr D Barton-Smith and seconded by Cllr T Firth and agreed by all.
10. Digital Mapping: Cllr J Goodchild explained to the Council that Digital Mapping is a piece of software available through Parish Online. It is an essential tool for helping Parish Councils use digital maps to store and manage assets, produce neighbourhood plans, map cemeteries, and engage with the public by producing maps for community events. Cllr J Goodchild and Cllr A Hanson have attended training on the use of the software. He went on to explain that the cost to Normanby by Spital Parish Council would be £48.00 for one year’s subscription. The purchase was proposed by Cllr R Bellamy seconded by Cllr J Goodchild and agreed by all.
11. Planning Applications:
Number | Status | |
142173 | Land off Front Street – proposed single storey dwelling | Approved* |
142384 | Heath Farm, Normanby Cliff Road - application to remove existing pig farrowing sheds and errect replacements | Pending |
142159 | Penny Cottage, Front Street - side extension | Approved |
* Approved post the meeting
There were no objections raised by Cllrs the Clerk to feedback to WLDC Planning Department.
12. Normanby Education Charity, Trustee Nomination: Cllr A Hanson and Cllr T Firth both declared a non-pecuniary interest. Two applications had been received by the Clerk, one from Cllr T Firth and one from Mr K Hanson after discussion Cllr T Firth withdrew her nomination allowing the Council to ratify Mr K Hanson as the Councils nomination to fill the Trustee vacancy. Mr K Hanson’s nomination was proposed by Cllr R Bellamy and seconded by Cllr D Barton-Smith and agreed.
13. War Memorial Maintenance and Cleaning: It has been brought to the Councils attention that the lettering on the War Memorial is in a bad state of repair. Cllr A Hanson agreed to speak with a Stone Mason to see if there was any other product that could be used that has a greater resistance to tree sap. The War Memorial has its own fund so there was no requirement to take a vote to allocate funding for the repairs.
14. Neighbourhood Plan: A DRAFT document had been circulated to all Cllrs prior to the meeting for their consideration. Cllr T Firth raised her concerns regarding the covering letter. She outlined that the letter made note of the forthcoming election and that it could be amended to give a more positive message. She also requested that further information about the election be put in the Signpost and on the Council web site, Cllr T Firth agreed to work with Cllr J Goodchild to rework the covering letter. Much discussion took place surrounding the survey, Cllr T Firth raised her concerns about the survey having an element that spoke about the Community Park. After much discussion it was agreed that this element was a particularly important element as the survey was not designed just to address the single neighbourhood plan. Cllr A Hanson agreed to try and storyboard the survey so Cllrs could get a better idea of how it would look.
15. Community Park: Cllr A Hanson gave a brief feedback from the CPC Cllrs raised their concerns regarding no date having yet been set for the joint Parish Council meeting to address the CPC, the Clerk agreed to liaise with Owmby PC Clerk to see if there was anything that could be done. The Clerk did note that on two occasions, within the last three weeks, she has attempted to agree a date for the meeting.
16. Dispenser for dog poo bags: Cllr T Firth and Cllr A Hanson have worked together to try and determine the most appropriate place for the dispenser to be placed. Photographs of the suggested places were circulated prior to the meeting for Cllrs to consider. Three proposed places have been identified the Clerk is to contact Highways to see if it could be attached to one of their signs.
17. Correspondence received up to 2 March 2021:
• A Freedom of Information Request had been received from a resident of Normanby by Spital. The matter has now been dealt with and an answer given copies of which were circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting.
• Cllr T Firth emailed the Chair to request that the Neighbourhood Watch was placed on the Agenda – to date Cllr Firth is having difficulty getting answers to her questions. It was agreed to place this on the Agenda for the next meeting.
• Cllr R Bellamy informed the Council that he had received a letter from the Chair of the CPC.
18. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 27 April 2021, to be held virtually.
There being no further business to discuss the Chair closed the meeting at 2056 hrs.
The Council then went into a closed session.