27 April 2021 Minutes



Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 27 April 2021

via Zoom

starting at 1930 hrs

Present:      Cllrs R Bellamy (Chair), D Barton-Smith (Vice Chair), A Hanson (Interim Clerk), T Firth, J Goodchild

In attendance: 11 members of the public

2 members of the public raised questions that were addressed within the relevant sections of the agenda.

The meeting opened at 1941 hrs – throughout the meeting there were problems with the stability of the Clerks internet connection.  

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr R Butroid

2. Minutes of meeting held on 11 March 2021: Having been circulated to all Cllrs, were agreed as a true copy of the meeting they were proposed by Cllr J Goodchild and seconded by Cllr D Barton-Smith and agreed by all.

3. District Councillor’s report: No report due to absence at the start of the meeting.  Cllr J Summers entered the meeting approximately halfway through and did not make himself known to the Chair therefore, the Chair was unable to ask the questions he had for the District Councillor.

4. County Councillor’s report: No report due to absence.

5.  Police Report: No report was received for this meeting.

6.  Highways to include to include the litter pick:

  • Concerns were raised about the numerous potholes along Private Lane, Normanby Cliff Road and Highgate Lane.  Private Lane has been scheduled to have maintenance work carried out on it during the summer months, however it was felt that the potholes need looking at prior to work commencing.  The Clerk agreed to contact Lincolnshire County Council Highways Department stressing the Councils immediate concerns.
  • Cllr A Hanson explained that two local teenager who are undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh’s award have asked if they can carry out litter pick in and around the village as part of their Community Engagement section.  The Interim Clerk has agreed with the parents of the individuals regarding the evidence that should be collected so the Council can sign off their paperwork.  They undertook their first litter pick on Sunday 25 April 2021.
  • Cllr Firth expressed a wish to get a village litter pick underway, it was agreed that this should take place towards the end of May.  Advertisements will be put out encouraging residents to get involved.  In the interim Cllr A Hanson said she had some litter picking equipment that could be handed out to individuals who wished to collect litter on their dog walk/strolls around the village.  This equipment can be collected from Cllr A Hanson’s house on Private Lane.
  • It was brought to the attention of the Council that the dog waste bin located at the bottom of Drakes Meadow is to be removed by WLDC following complaints received from a resident. The black bin located in the same place is to remain, WLDC confirmed that dog waste can be placed in black bins.                                                                           Finance:

7.  Finance

    Retrospective Spend


Paid In

Paid Out

Half share of grant received for Cemetery footpath repairs paid to OPC



Clerks’ final payment



LALC Yearly Subscription



Half share Cemetery Rates paid to OPC



Dog bag dispenser and bags



Zest Printing – Residents Surveys









Balance at Bank at 21 April 2021


















The above retrospective payments were agreed at the previous meeting and were proposed by Cllr J Goodchild and seconded by Cllr D Barton-Smith and agreed by all.

Proposed Spend

8.  Payment for Cemetery footpath:  A correct invoice has now been received and ready for payment.

Date Due



27 Apr 2021

Cemetery Footpath

  1. 11

The above payments were proposed by Cllr D Barton-Smith and seconded by Cllr T Firth and   agreed by all.

9.  Councillor Training: Cllr A Hanson as Interim Clerk informed the meeting that two places had been provisionally booked on the New Councillor Training at the end of May for the two new members that will be elected on 6 May 2021.

10.  Planning Applications:





Heath Farm, Normanby Cliff Road – application to remove existing pig farrowing sheds and erect replacements



Land to rear of Innovation Works Caenby Hall Business Park – light Industrial storage unit with office.


*This application was received post the publication of the Agenda it has been circulated to all Cllrs outside of this meeting.

       There were no objections raised by Cllrs the Clerk to feedback to WLDC Planning Department.

11.  Parish Clerk – Ratify Job Description and agree salary banding: Prior to the meeting the

Revised Job Description and the Salary bandings table had been circulated to all members.Cllrs were asked to consider the revised Job Description in preparation for readvertising the Clerks position. Cllr Hanson explained that she had been sent, from LALC, a tool that automatically evaluated the Job Description and required experience then placed within a salary band on the National Scale.The position within Normanby by Spital Parish s Council fitted into the scale between Salary point 8 and 16 (between £10.65 and £12.48 per hour).She also pointed out the position was for 20 hours per month but if there was a requirement for the Clerk to undertake further hours the Council would incur overtime charges.Cllr Hanson (Interim Clerk) explained that it was intended that the position be advertised with NALC, LALC and on the Indeed Job Site.The Closing date for applications would be set at three weeks from date of advertisement going live.

The revised Job Description was proposed by Cllr J Goodchild and seconded by Cllr T Firth and agreed by all.

12.  Neighbourhood Plan – Update: Cllr J Goodchild gave a verbal update and endeavoured to answer the questions that were raised by a member of the public:

a.  Residents Survey – Cllr J Goodchild outlined that the survey had yielded a return of just over 33%.  The survey had only just concluded but he had done a quick analysis of the section which asked did residents wish the Council to go ahead with a Neighbourhood Plan.  Initial results indicate that the residents overwhelmingly would like the council to undertake a Neighbourhood Plan for the village:  approximately 78% of the returns were in favour of a Neighbourhood Plan, 9% left the answer blank, 11% were against a Neighbourhood Plan.  There are also several residents who have indicated they would like to help with the Plan sources were used to compile the survey.

b.  What sources were used to compile the survey: Cllr A Hanson stated that she had undertaken research across a wide range of sources to come up with the survey that was used.  She had also taken advice from experienced individuals who are experienced in the field of public consultation.

c.  Who will oversee the analysis: Cllr J Goodchild stated that the analysis would be done by Council members.

d.  How will the findings and conclusions be presented: Cllr J Goodchild explained that the results will be published through various mediums such as through Council Meetings, Council noticeboards as well as being published on the Councils web site.  He also explained that is envisaged that the Council will be holding public events in the future, COVID permitting.

e.  What is the projected timeline for the various stages of the Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr J Goodchild that we had only just got the go ahead from residents so to date no timelines had been set. However, he envisaged that it would take in the region of three years to fully complete the plan.

f.  What was the rationale in undertaking the survey so close to an election:  Cllr A Hanson explained that there was no conspiracy here the survey was well into the planning stages prior to the Council being told that an election was to be held on 6 May 2021. 

13.  Community Park – Cllr A Hanson gave a brief feedback from the CPC meeting that was held on Monday 26 April 2012, she also pointed out that currently there, appeared, to be none to little activity on the Funding Application front. Cllrs raised their concerns regarding no date having yet been set for the joint Parish Council meeting to address the CPC, the Clerk highlighted that she contacts OPC on a weekly basis in a bid to try and arrange the joint meeting but so far has not had any agreement to meet.  A member of the public aired concerns about how he was led to believe that the Council were about to have a vote of No Confidence in the CPC.  At the time Cllr A Hanson asked him where he had obtained this information from.  The member of the public claimed that Cllr R Bellamy had indicated this in a confidential meeting with OPC.  The member of the public asked if the Council could shelve the vote until after the joint meeting. The Interim Clerk agreed to contact OPC, again, in a bid to arrange a joint meeting.

14.  Dispenser for dog poo bags – Cllr A Hanson informed the Council that she is currently awaiting delivery of the dispenser.  A site has been earmarked for the unit in the vicinity of the school.                                                                                                     

15.  Neighbourhood Watch:  Cllr T Firth outlined that she has had difficulty contacting the administrators of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.  She has now established contact with the group and agreed to gather further information and bring it to the next meeting.

16.  Future Meetings: Cllr A Hanson as Interim Clerk brought to the Councils attention that currently virtual meetings should end as from 6 May 202.  However, she had been in contact with LALC about the way ahead for this Council as it had been made clear to her that to have a public meeting would place one of the Councillors in danger due a reduced immune system.  LALC advised the Interim Clerk that a Risk Assessment should be undertaken to enable this Council to continue with virtual meetings on the grounds of the health of one of its members health could not be adequately protected.  A Risk Assessment has now been carried out and will be reviewed on a regular basis, when the most up to date medical information could be taken into consideration.  The first review date for the Risk Assessment is 21 June 20212.

17.  Correspondence received up to 26 April 2021: The Interim Clerk highlighted that a Mr Andrew Garbutt of Lincolnshire County Council Children’s Services, who used to run a Youth Group here in Normanby.  The Interim Clerk agreed with Mr Garbutt that the Parish Council was the right organisation to liaise with and it was agreed that he should attend the next full Council Meeting, in June/July, to deliver an overview of what he was trying to do and answer any questions that people may have about the group and/or the need for such a group.  Mr Garbutt has been assured that his attendance will be widely advertised, and the neighbouring Parish Council from Owmby would be invited to attend.

18.  Date of next meeting: The Interim Clerk explained that the next meeting would have to held within two weeks of the election and that it would be the AGM a date was set for Tuesday 18 May 2021, to be held virtually.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair closed the meeting at 2029 hrs.