Agenda November 8th 2021
Monday 8th November 2021
1. Recording of meeting.
2. Apologies for Absence
3. New Councillors Acceptance of position and Declaration of Interest.
4. To receive declarations of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
5. Formal note of the resignation of the Cllr Angela Hanson as Chair and Parish Councillor.
6. Formal note of the resignation of the following Parish Councillors –
a. Cllr Barton Smith
b. Cllr Goodchild
c. Cllr Watson
7. Nominations for the role of Chair of the Parish Council and formal vote for the role of Chair
8. Nominations for the role of Vice Chair of the Parish Council and formal vote for the role of Vice Chair
9. Meeting opened to the public
10. Cemetery / Burial register
11. To approve minutes of previous meeting (EOM 3rd August 2021)
12. Matters arising from previous meeting
13. Finances
Bank Account update
Defibrillator Update - Agree payment £34.72+Vat
Insurance share for Community Park £31
Play Safe invoice share for Community Park Equipment £31.10
14. CPC request for release of funds
15. Grass cutting specification
16. Set date and venue of next meeting
17. Closed session to discuss staffing matters