January 2021 Agenda
to all Councillors – you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting being held on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7.30 pm
a virtual meeting using Zoom*
If any of the public present wishes to voice their views on any subject, they may do so prior to the start of the meeting. If the subject does not appear later on the agenda, then the subject cannot be discussed by Council at this meeting but, if wished, will go on the agenda for the next meeting
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 17th November 2020
3. District Councillor’s report
4. County Councillor’s report
5. Police Report
6. Highways: potholes (Private Lane, Highgate Lane), new entrance along Highgate Lane, Speeding traffic through village
7. Finance:
Home Call Computer services £ 75.00; Green Grass £ 92.52
WLDC waste bins £360.00; Nigel Heather £410.00
Donation for LALC £ 50.00
Balance in bank at 21st December £4,814.66
8. Precept to include election costs – final amount
9. Office equipment
10. Planning application no 141681, 21 Main Street, Willow Tree House – PERMISSION GRANTED
141803, 2 Appleyard Farm, Beckside, Lawful development certificate to erect single storey extension – PERMISSION REFUSED
142159, Penny Cottage, Front Street – proposed side extension
any applications received up to 12/01/2021
11. Single Neighbourhood Plan – retake vote
12. New website and social media
13. Cemetery: repairing footpath
14. Community Park: new waste bins
15. Dispenser for dog poo bags
16. Newsletter
17. Education Charity
18. Token of appreciation for Ken’s work
19. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
20. Correspondence: received up to 12/01/2021
21. Date of next meeting
1. Policies
2. Administration matters
*Meeting ID 85334760013 Password 868835
N Fox