Meeting Minutes January 2023
Normanby By Spital and Owmby by Spital Parish Council
c\o 11 Highgate Lane, Normanby by Spital LN8 2HQ
Tel: 07766 396061
Meeting of the Community Park Committee (CPC)
31 January 2023 at 7.30pm
Members Present: Mrs Brooke, Cllr Firth, Cllr Leah, Mrs Moulson, Cllr Moulson, Cllr Welch
Also In attendance: Julie Haycraft (Clerk), Cllr Widdison (Chair NPC)
1/2023 Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. Non received
2/2023 Note Committee Member update. Cllr Firth was welcomed as a temporary stand in for Cllr Creek. Good wishes were sent to Cllr Creek
3/2023 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation. Cllr Widdison declared an interest in item 10b.
4/2023 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the CPC held on 12 October 2022 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. - Resolved
5/2023 Discuss Memorial bench request – A member of the public has expressed a wish to place a memorial bench in the park. Resolved for the clerk to speak to the member suggesting a composite bench with a view to replacing the others in the park in due course.
6/2023 Discuss Inventory of items Cllrs Brooke and Elliot have produced an inventory. Requested to share with the clerk for ongoing updating for insurance purposes.
7/2023 Discuss GDPR – all personal information should be held only by the clerk.
- Volunteer details – Agreed to pass the volunteer information to the clerk who would communicate as required any upcoming volunteer opportunities.
- Skills audit – It was agreed that this information is import and due to the identifying nature of its content it should be held by the clerk.
- Social Media\WhatsApp It was agreed to close the WhatsApp group and start a new one just for the Committee. Secondary WhatsApp groups will be set up by the clerk as required for specific events and then deleted once the event was over.
8/2023 Note Land Purchase update – To note that the purchase is not currently going ahead.
9/2023 Events
- Resolve program of events as presented to Parish Councils
- Resolved to accept the revised events program as presented to the Parish Councils but without the marque. It is acknowledged that the marquee forms part of the longer term spending.
- Resolved to allow Welton Patient Drs charity to have a pitch (3m) at the Easter Fun Day at a cost £5 on this occasion.
- Agreed to cap the number of cars at 20 for the car boot sale.
- Discuss Event committee membership –
- The Event committee membership was confirmed to clerk.
- It was suggested that we endeavour to encourage volunteers to get involved with the events meeting.
10/2023 Grant Update
- Electricity – Mrs Moulson updated on the potential for a grant for electricity. Cllr Widdison has a site meeting with Northern Power next week and will update with a price. There is also potential to add water onto the quote. iGas Grant is for £2-£5k
- Footpath – Mrs Moulson updated on quotes for submission to Awards for All. The quotes received exceed the £10k available. Options are to attempt multiple funders or do we break it up into sections. Clerk to approach the suppliers with a view to doing the path in £10k sections.
- Any other applications – No other funding available at present.
11/2023 Note Jubilee Canopy Update. – Cllr Leah updated on the project with the tree planting. Cllr Welch to circulate the map of outlying plans. Mrs Moulson suggested “Ellisons Orange” which is a Lincolnshire tree variety.
12/2023 Play Equipment Update
- Swings - Swings should be ready for collection by end of Feb with a view to install in the spring.
- Goal posts – planned to be installed in the spring in the same location as where the pitch is currently marked out.
13/2023 Accounts update
- Bank reconciliation – Resolved to accept the accounts as shown.
- Payment card. – approved by both councils. All purchases for events to be made by the clerk. Requirements to be with the clerk no less that 14 days before an event. Only exception to this will be perishables that are required to be purchased on the day of the event. Reasons – Audit accountability, control spending, potentially less invoices due to better planning.
- To approve payment of the church hire fees. – resolved.
14/2023 Date and time of next meeting – 2nd May 2023, 7.30pm
Meeting finished 20.58