Meeting Minutes June 2023

Normanby By Spital and Owmby by Spital Parish Council

c\o 11 Highgate Lane, Normanby by Spital LN8 2HQ

Tel: 07766 396061

Meeting of the Community Park Committee (CPC)

28 June 2023 at 7.30pm


Members Present: Mrs Brooke, Cllr Creek, Cllr Leah, Mrs Moulson, Cllr Moulson, Cllr Welch

Also In attendance: Julie Haycraft (Clerk), Cllr Widdison (NPC), Cllr Bunney (LCC)

A parishioner had sent an email enquiring about payment of the standing charges for electricity once this is installed. It was agreed that this is a matter for the Parish Councils to decide and will be added to their forthcoming agendas.


26/2023 - Election of Chair

Cllr Welch – Nominated Cllr Leah, Cllr Creek Seconded

Mrs Moulson – Nominated Mrs Brooke, Cllr Moulson Seconded

A vote took place and there was a tie so as per the ToR this will go back to Joint PC meeting for a decision.

It was agreed that Cllr Leah continue to chair the current meeting.

27/2023 - Election of Vice Chair

                           Cllr Creek nominated himself as Vice Chair, Cllr Welch seconded.

All were in favour of Cllr Creek to become Vice Chair.

28/2023 - Apologies for Absence  - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the  Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.  – None received

29/2023 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation. – None declared.

30/2023 - To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the CPC held on 2 May 2023 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. – para 19/2023 – Easter Event showed a net profit of £67. Ropes on climbing frame have been cut – are not loose. RESOLVED to Accept with amendments indicated.

31/2023 - Events – 10 September – Family Fun Day

Scarecrow competition is the week leading up to. Question has been raised from some parishioners if there should be a theme. Action point – to consider and bring suggestions for the planning meeting. Action point – clerk to correspond with PC’s and volunteer list for commitment to attend. It was agreed that there would be no music and therefore a License is no longer required. Cllr Leah to approach a contact for selling ice cream at the event. Clerk to contact Kerri to see if she is available to support. Mrs Brooke will contact Hemswell church for chairs etc. Clerk and Cllr Elliott have current First Aid certificates.

32/2023 - Consultation with residents

Agreed to carry out a leaflet drop a week before the September event using it as additional advertising and feedback on what people want to see on the field.

33/2023 - Grant Update

Footpath – Funds have been received and this has been ringfenced until work can be carried out later in the year.

Sport For All – Mrs Moulson is investigating this avenue for funding and will clarify closing date.

34/2023 - Project Update

Swings – are now installed thanks extended to Cllr Widdison. The feedback from parents and children on the field has been positive. One quote was “it’s the best thing that could have been done”.

Electricity - following the successful grant of £2000 towards costs the installation will take place on 5 September.

35/2023 - Health and Safety Update

ROSPA inspection is booked in and a request has been made to provide a tailored Risk Assessment for the park incorporating the new equipment.

The rope on the existing climbing frame has been damaged by a knife.

The picnic bench has been assessed as beyond reasonable repair and is unsafe. Clerk requested to contact the donor thanking him and indicating why it has been removed.

Signs for the park should indicate age groups for the swings. Clerk to contact Playdale and ROSPA for recommendations of signage. Suggestion is to have an indication to show age groups for the swings and climbing frame.

36/2023 - Maintenance

CPC Gates – There is some paint available – Clerk to circulate dates for a working day

Existing benches will be assessed and repaired.

37/2023 - Accounts update

Bank reconciliation

To approve payments as below:

Northern Powergrid



Alpha Concrete




Agreed to reimburse Mrs Brooke for the banners at a cost of £100.00 + VAT

38/2023 - Date and time of next formal meetings –

19:30 – Wednesday 23 August

19:30 – Tuesday 31 October

Members to circulate dates for arranging a planning meeting for the Fun Day.

Meeting closed 20:45