Meeting Minutes May 2023
Normanby By Spital and Owmby by Spital Parish Council
c\o 11 Highgate Lane, Normanby by Spital LN8 2HQ
Tel: 07766 396061
Meeting of the Community Park Committee (CPC)
2 May 2023 at 7.30pm
Members Present: Mrs Brooke, Cllr Firth, Cllr Leah, Mrs Moulson, Cllr Moulson, Cllr Welch
Also In attendance: Julie Haycraft (Clerk), Cllr Creek (NPC)
15/2023. Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. None received
16/2023. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation. - None
17/2023. To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the CPC held on 31 January 2023 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. RESOLVED TO ACCEPT AND SIGN
18/2023. Discuss GDPR
The clerk wished it to be noted that volunteer details to be gathered on individual slips and posted into a box for the clerk to process and record. - NOTED
19/2023. Events
Feedback on Easter event – The income for the event was £211. The expenditure was £144 of which some items will be available for future events. £67 gross profit. While it is considered it’s important to put on events for the community there was a lot of set up and break down time for little gain. It took approximately 10 volunteers equating to approx. 80 man hours to setup, host and break down the event. Consideration needs to be given to keeping interest of the volunteers. Should we do the same event again/different day? Cllr Firth expressed thanks to Mrs Brooke who has put a lot of effort into the event.
Discuss program of events for 2023
i. 7 May – Coronation – pruned back to the minimum. – concern was raised again about using crockery. Removing crockery reduces the work, the equipment, hot water requirements. It was agreed that paper cups would be used at the Coronation and the Car Boot Sale.
ii. 3 June – Car Boot and Plant Sale - 20 pitches agreed, tea and coffee, paper cups. Mrs Brooke spoke about getting banners made but it was discussed that this involved additional cost. While publicity is key we need to progress alternatives such as a Leaflet drop and advertising in wider publications such as the Signpost. Bishop Norton also have a publication. Posters could also be displayed at Welton Coop, Dunholme Coop and local Doctors surgeries. Repeater signs on the side of the road would be useful to engage people driving through the village.
iii. 13 August – Music and Afternoon Tea – Aimed at adults only. £10 for afternoon tea. Need to consider a cut off if numbers not met. Need to consider what the target audience. – agreed to remove from the program for 2023. Consider adding to the program for 2024.
iv. 2-10 September – Scarecrow Festival – tried and tested. Cllr Firth is happy to get involved.
v. 10 September – Family Fun Day – we had discussed a produce show.
Cllr Leah suggested we approach the PC’s about purchasing a marquee for events from CPC funds. – Clerk to get some costings. – Cllr Crompton Howe spoke in favour of obtaining a marquee but would suggest storage be obtained as a priority. Having a marquee will enable us to put different events on to a wider audience.
Produce show provides revenue. It was agree to scale down the program and circulate for approval. Clerk to contact the school to see if old trophy’s exist. Judges will need to be sought.
vi. 19 November – Christmas Craft Day – to be discussed at a later meeting.
vii. 1 December – Advent – to be discussed at a later meeting.
20/2023 Grant Update
Electricity – funding approved.
Footpath – awaiting response.
Any other applications – no other applications in
Need to consider an updated Action plan as when items are obtained through other funding the plan changes. Suggest have a brainstorming session to come up with future ideas for the park to help formulate an updated plan.
21/2023. Note Jubilee Canopy Update. – Concerns raised about vandalism in the community park. Recent information advises we are losing the PCSO’s in the rural communities. Cllr Crompton Howe has made good the damage recently caused to the tree stakes and one of the trees. Awareness needs to be raised in the village through a leaflet drop that the behaviour is unacceptable. There is also evidence of aerosol misuse in the park. Teenagers are hanging about the park and have been witnessed causing damage. It was agreed to do a leaflet drop.
On a positive note the school children have now planted the seeds provided by Owmby by Spital Parish Council.
22/2023. Play Equipment Update
Swingsand Goal posts -Cllr Widdison has agreed to install the equipment and it should be installed by the end of May.
23/2023. Health and Safety Update – Ropes on the equipment have been identified as loose so Cllr Moulson will address this.
24/2023. Accounts update
Bank reconciliation
To retrospectively approve payments in respect of Easter Event
30/03/2023 |
JMS Enterprises Ltd |
Storage Bins |
EQ1 |
£34.29 |
30/03/2023 |
Amazon |
Coffee |
EQ2 |
£19.07 |
30/03/2023 |
Amazon |
Prizes |
EQ3 |
£53.91 |
30/03/2023 |
Ebay |
Gazebo Sides |
EQ4 |
£35.98 |
Resolved to approve the payments.
25/2023. Date and time of next meeting tbc
Meeting closed – 21.12