May 2021 Minutes
of the meeting of the Owmby & Normanby Community Park Committee
held on
Tuesday 25 May 2021 at 7.30
Owmby Parish Church
1. |
The Chairman welcomed the Committee’s new member, Cllr Andy Creek, and two visitors, Cllr Firth and Mrs Fox.
2. |
Attendance and Apologies
The meeting was attended by: J. Summers, I Brooke, B Moulson, J Moulson, P Jackman, A Hanson and A Creek
Apologies for absence were received from: D Mellor, D Leah, S. Carter
3. |
Minutes of previous meeting held on 26 April 2021
3.1 |
Subject to a change to item 9.2 paragragh 1 ‘Normanby Neighbourhood Plan Survey’ to ‘Normanby Residents Survey’, the minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed: B Moulson Seconded: P Jackman All in favour except A Hanson
3.2 |
A Hanson wished it to be recorded that Normanby Parish Council objected to the note at the end of the minutes, as not being the business of the CPC: it was pointed out that the two other Normanby Parish Councillors present did not object. The other members of the CPC agreed that the note had a direct bearing on the development of the Park and should stand.
4. |
Matters arising or outstanding from minutes not on the Agenda
4.1 |
The Chairman announced his intention for the CPC to hold an event, open to residents, to report on the work of the committee to date and the plans for the future. It would also be an opportunity to canvas residents’ views.
4.2 |
A Hanson asked if the Parish Councils had been consulted about this plan as she felt that the CPC could not run this type of event without the permission of the Parish Councils.
It was pointed out that the Committee’s Terms of Reference refer specifically to communicating with residents –
‘Co-ordinate effective engagement with all members of the community to ascertain their views to meet the aims of the committee’
The Terms of Reference contain the authority delegated to the CPC and to suggest that permission should be sought to carry out activities contained implies an attempt to change the Terms of Reference.
4.3 |
There were no further matters arising from the Minutes of the previous meeting.
5. |
5.1 |
Copies of the latest Unity Trust Bank Statement and Cash Flow Forecast were circulated.
5.2 |
I Brooke clarified the reason for the new bank. OPC had been trying to gain online banking on its NatWest accounts. Eventually, it was decided to change to a new bank, Unity Trust, and it was decided that an account should be opened specifically for CPC funds. This would facilitate reporting and transparency. A Hanson opined that NPC should have been consulted about a change to the CPC’s banking arrangement. I Brooke stated that it was a purely internal OPC matter and that it was OPC’s decision.
5.3 |
There followed a discussion regarding the presentation of information in the cash flow forecast. I Brooke explained that the forecast would be updated with ‘actual’ figures as they became available, which would feed into the balance. This would allow decisions to be made as necessary as circumstances change.
5.4 |
It was agreed that the presentation of information in this format was suitable. Proposed: J Summers Seconded: J Moulson
6. |
Events Committee
The updated Events Programme was discussed. Several events had been postponed until 2021 and the cash flow forecast amended accordingly. A draft leaflet which it was planned to distribute to residents was circulated. The Chairman suggested that this should be distributed as soon as possible and a target of the first week in June was agreed.
7. |
Works Committee
7.1 |
J Moulson reported on a meeting that had been held on the Park by members of the Works Committee to plan a Volunteer Day to tackle some of the projects contained in the 2021 Annual Plan.
7.2 |
It was agreed that the path from Highgate Lane would be widened to 1.2m so as to accommodate pushchairs, mobility scooters, etc. It would be edged in timber, the balance of the limestone chippings would be spread and consolidated to form a level surface.
7.3 |
The 3 benches on the north side of the main gate would be re-sited on to a fully paved area on the south side of the gate and a path would be formed from the pedestrian gate so as to give easy access for anyone using a mobility scooter, wheelchair, walker etc.
7.4 |
One of the three benches near the play equipment would be re-sited on to a paved plinth near the Owmby entrance with easy access, as above.
7.5 |
The benches would all be secured at the backrest using posts set in postcrete, and would then be treated with a suitable wood preservative, Ruth Elliot has requested that the seat bearing her mother’s name should become a ‘Friendship Bench’ and it will be treated with rainbow colours to reflect this.
7.6 |
The materials required were agreed and a final cost would be presented at the next meeting for approval.
7.7 |
In the interim there would be a meeting of the Works Committee to finalise details of the Volunteer Day (agreed as Saturday 26 – Sunday 27 June), including Risk Assessment, etc.
7.8 |
J Moulson confirmed that arrangements had been made with ROSPA to carry out an inspection of the play equipment. Thereafter, it would be routinely inspected by ROSPA on an annual basis.
7.9 |
He also reported that he was arranging two meetings at the park with suppliers to discuss further play equipment. Once dates were agreed, he proposed to see if any other members of the Committee would be available to attend the meetings.
8. |
Grants & Fundraising Committee
B Moulson, Chair of Grants & Fundraising Committee, reported that four grant applications had been made:
(See attached full report)
9. |
Preparation for Joint Parish Councils meeting
It was reported that a date for a meeting had still not been agreed, Owmby PC having proposed a meeting open to the public and Normanby PC being unwilling to have members of the public present.
10. |
Date of next meeting 15 June 2021
Chairman’s Statement
At the meeting dated 26 April, it was discussed that, before inviting any new members to join the Committee, the opportunity should be given to whichever candidates won the forthcoming election for Normanby Parish Councillors.
The two new Councillors, Cllr Andy Creek and Cllr Tony Watson, had been approached and had both asked to be on the Community Park Committee prior to election. Now as Normanby councillors we have welcomed them to the CPC Committee which has provided us with a balanced committee of the two parishes.
This week I have received the resignation of Mr Jamie Marshall which gives us a balanced joint village committee with myself as chairman, living in Glentham and able to provide a casting vote when necessary.
With an 11 member committee, and balanced, I do not see the need to enlarge it.
Chairman – D Cllr Jeff Summers
Chairman – D Cllr Jeff Summers
Cllr Isabelle Brooke – Owmby PC
Cllr Denise Leah – Owmby PC
Cllr Danny Mellor – Owmby PC
Mrs Sara Carter – Owmby resident
Mr Philip Jackman – Owmby resident
Mr Jamie Marshall – Owmby resident nominated by Normanby PC
Cllr Angela Hanson – Normanby PC
Cllr Andy Creek – Normanby PC
Cllr Tony Watson – Normanby PC
Mrs Barbara Moulson – Normanby resident
Mr John Moulson – Normanby resident
There is now a balance of representation between both the two Parish Councils and residents of the two villages. Therefore, no further members will be sought for the Committee at the present time.
Community Park Committee
Cash Flow Forecast as at May 2021
This spread sheet represents the up to date cash flow forecast. Some events have been removed from the forecast as they will not be held this year. The Playground project (edging area, laying weed membrane and laying wood chippings) has been postponed pending the outcome of grant application for playground fencing.
Actual figures are shown in bold, forecast figures shown in normal print. The balance of £4725.17 reconciles to the current bank statement.
Budget 2021 / Cash Flow Forecast as at 25 May 2021 adjusted to Events Programme |
Debit |
Credit |
Balance |
0.00 |
Jan |
Balance carried forward |
4379.58 |
4379.58 |
Remaining funds from Lloyds account |
224.59 |
4604.17 |
May |
Sunflower competition |
121.00 |
4725.17 |
May |
Spring Raffle |
40.00 |
200.00 |
4865.17 |
June |
Highgate Lane entrance |
485.00 |
0.00 |
4380.17 |
June |
Bench bases |
407.00 |
0.00 |
3973.17 |
Main gate planting |
151.00 |
0.00 |
3822.17 |
Purchase marquee |
450.00 |
0.00 |
3372.17 |
Purchase petrol generator |
200.00 |
0.00 |
3172.17 |
July |
Scarecrow Festival & Pop-up Tea Shop |
60.00 |
145.00 |
3257.17 |
Wildlife project |
230.00 |
0.00 |
3027.17 |
August |
Band in the Park with Afternoon Tea |
286.00 |
300.00 |
3041.17 |
Sep |
Summer Fete |
680.00 |
1400.00 |
3761.17 |
Installation of swings |
2200.00 |
0.00 |
1561.17 |
Oct |
Pub Quiz |
20.00 |
40.00 |
1581.17 |
Nov |
Pub Quiz |
20.00 |
50.00 |
1611.17 |
Nov |
Christmas Craft Market |
127.00 |
180.00 |
1664.17 |
Dec |
Advent Calendar Window Event |
0.00 |
25.00 |
1689.17 |
Pub Quiz |
20.00 |
60.00 |
1729.17 |
Christmas Raffle |
60.00 |
200.00 |
1869.17 |
Christmas Jumper Walk |
0.00 |
140.00 |
2009.17 |
5456.00 |
7465.17 |
Owmby & Normanby Community Park Committee meeting 25/05/2021
Grants & Fundraising Sub-Committee Report
You’ll be pleased to hear that I’ve been busy submitting grant applications: 4 since our last meeting.
The major piece of work has been the National Lottery Community Fund application. They made contact with Jeff last year, and I’ve been working with them since October. I finally submitted the full funding proposal on 4th May – all 13 pages and 5 appendices of it. This is based firmly on the CPC 2021 Action Plan, and requests funding to support all aspects of that plan, to a total of £78,240. We are very fortunate that the Lottery have ‘paused’ our original expression of interest from over 2 years ago, and are now reviewing our full funding proposal.
I have also applied to the Master Charitable Trust, which is a trust fund administered by a private bank based in London, for the capital aspects of our Action Plan: appropriate fencing for the playground area: the ‘Village Hub’ with utilities: and the polytunnel and storage shed needed to facilitate the Community Garden. Total: £39,250.
In addition to this, two smaller bids have been submitted to Blue Spark Foundation and Tesco Community Grants, both for additional play equipment including swings for both older, younger and less able children.
In case you’re concerned about duplicated funding, I should say that we will be very lucky to be successful in 1 of 5 bids made: and in the unlikely situation of two funders offering grant for the same purpose, clear and prompt communication is always welcomed, and adjustments to the project content can be negotiated. If all else fails, of course we can just say we don’t want it!!
Of the funders that have previously supported us, we may re-apply to the Co-op in Autumn to become Community Champions next spring: Waitrose Community Matters is solely focused upon Homestart and FareShare – COVID relief only: and IGas has already distributed its funds for 2021.
I will let you all know promptly of any decisions received, whether positive or negative.
Barbara Moulson, Chair Grants & Fundraising Sub-committee of CPC