April 26th 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the virtual meeting of

Owmby & Normanby Community Park Committee

held on

Monday 26 April 2021 at 7.30pm





Chairman welcomed members and four members of public to the meeting. He invited members of the public to indicate if they wished to ask questions during the meeting.




Attendance and for absence


Meeting attended by Jeff Summers, Isabelle Brooke, John Moulson, Barbara Moulson, Denise Leah, Danny Mellor, Jamie Marshall, Philip Jackman and Angela Hanson


There were no apologies received.




Minutes of previous meeting on 8 March 2021


The minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2021 were accepted as a true and accurate record.

Proposed by: B Moulson

Seconded by: S Carter




Matters arising or outstanding from minutes


Action referred to in item 6.5 will be dealt with under Finance.







(From previous meeting minutes)

Reported that the CPC former Treasurer and OPC clerk will work together to write an appropriate Spending Policy that will set the procedure and authority to spend CPC funds.

The Policy will be brought to a meeting for agreement and adoption.



It was reported that Owmby Parish Council has changed its Bank and a separate account has been set up for the Community Park. This will simplify the finances of the CPC and will aid transparency.



An initial financial report for the year 2020/21 was given:

Total income £1683.65

Total expenditure £261.06 

These figures will be confirmed when the end accounts are prepared by the former Treasurer and OPC Clerk.



I Brooke enquired if NPC had completed the scrutiny of 2018 & 2019 accounts. A Hanson stated that the internal auditor was in possession of the documents.



Committee Membership


Chairman suggested that as the NPC elections were so close, it would be sensible to delay inviting new members to the CPC to give new Councillors the option to join should they wish.




Skills Audit


Secretary asked for details from the remaining Committee members to be able to update the skills audit.



Proposal – Friends of the Community Park


It was agreed by all to form a ‘Friends of the Community Park’. B Moulson to go through the draft document. (Full, working proposal to be taken to next meeting)




Volunteer project work pertaining to Health & Safety and Accessibility



There was a discussion about the immediate work that needed to be done to improve access and safety on the park. The necessary work was agreed as:


Widening, edging and completing the path from Highgate Lane entrance to accommodate pushchairs, disability scooters and wheelchairs.


Form new flagged, edged area to the south of the main gate and re-site the three benches from the other side of the gate.


Create a path from the pedestrian gate at the main entrance to the newly re-sited seating to the south of the gate suitable for wheelchairs, pushchairs and mobility scooters.


Form new flagged, edged plinths for remaining benches and anchor benches to the ground.


A meeting of the Works Committee to be convened at the Park to decide on what materials and tools would be needed. From this a programme to be drafted and prices for the agreed materials to be sought so that a full report may be taken to the next meeting prior to the work being done.



There was a lengthy discussion about another item of work which forms part of the Annual Plan, that is the proposed removal of the hedge on the Normanby Road boundary to be replaced by post and rails fencing. The reason for the discussion was the question posed in the Normanby Residents survey and the concern about the lack of context. D Leah repeated the points that had been made at previous meetings.


The proposal to remove the hedge has been made in order to comply with Safeguarding Best Practice which is that a facility such as the Park should have clear sightlines from the road so that all parts of the Park are clearly visible. This would enhance the safety of the Park for children and teenagers, as well discouraging vandalism. She made the point that if an organisation was made aware of what is considered Best Practice but fails to take action then, should an incident occur, it might be deemed to be negligent.


It was agreed that this issue should be passed to the Parish Councils to take action. It was noted that Planning Consent would be required but this would be expected to be granted as this is a Safeguarding matter.


It was further agreed the CPC would investigate possible solutions and get quotes, passing findings to the Parish Councils.

Proposed: J Summers

Seconded: J Moulson

All in favour.


See Note below




J Moulson reported that the play equipment was due for an [external] annual inspection and that ROSPA inspectors will be in the area in August/September carrying out such inspections. The cost would £68.50 + VAT.


It was resolved that arrangements be made with ROSPA to have the play equipment inspected.

Proposed: J Moulson

Seconded: D Mellor

All in favour.




Works Committee


Members volunteered to be part of the Works Committee – D Mellor, J Moulson, J Marshal, P Jackman, I Brooke, B Moulson. There are a few residents that have shown interest in being part of this group. Agreed that D Mellor should act as Chair for the Works Committee



Events Committee


Report on the progress of the Events Committee – Sunflower Growing Competition now underway with seeds and entry forms available at the Village Post Office.

A Late Spring Raffle was due have ticket sales starting on 1 May at the Village Post Office. There was a discussion about trying a cash prize raffle in the future, such as a 50:50 whereby the winner would receive 50% of the net income. This can be adjusted in any way decided e.g. 30:70 or 40:60. This might be a simpler option than having to organise suitable prizes and might encourage more ticket sales. It was agreed by all that the Events Committee could try this as an alternative to a traditional raffle if so desired.

The Scarecrow Festival would be advertised in the next Signpost and there was an encouraging amount of interest already being shown. It was agreed that any fundraising from this event would be from the end of Festival pop-up café. This would require a marquee and a suitable purchase should be pursued. Chairs and tables would need to be hired or borrowed.



Meetings calendar for the year and Date of next meeting


Normanby Parish Council has not yet agreed dates for future meetings so just the date for the next meeting of the CPC was agreed as:


7.30 Tuesday 25 May to be held in Owmby Church







This illustrates why great care needs to be taken when compiling a consultation document. Anything ‘offered’ should have been properly researched, discussed and agreed to ensure that they are deliverable. In this case residents were given a choice of replacement of the hedge by fencing or retaining fencing without any context or background information.


If, as would seem likely, residents vote in favour of retaining the hedge, the Parish Councils have a choice between complying with residents’ wishes, but risking the safety of residents and an accusation of negligence or facing the now uphill challenge of convincing residents of the need to remove the hedge.