March 2021 Minutes
Minutes of the Virtual Meeting of the Community Park Committee
held at 7.30 p.m. on Monday 8 March 2021
At 7.30 the Chairman invited questions from members of the public. The questions asked with replies are appended to these minutes.
The meeting commenced at 7.45
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Meeting attended by:
Apologies received from: |
Jeff Summers, Denise Leah, Sara Carter, Angie Hanson, Barbara Moulson, John Moulson, Isabelle Brooke
Jamie Marshall
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Minutes of the last meeting – 18 February 2020 It was pointed out that it was more than a year since the meeting; however, as the minutes had been circulated within two weeks of the meeting, Committee Members were happy to approve them. Proposed: Denise Leah Seconded: John Moulson
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Matters arising No matters arising.
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Minutes of the meeting of Events Committee held on 28 January 21 The Committee received the minutes of meeting of the Events Committee.
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Approval of the proposed Events Programme for 2021 The Committee were asked to approve the draft events programme, with the proviso that the programme would depend upon Covid restrictions etc.
Angie raised a question about the need for DBS/Safeguarding for the Family events in the programme. Denise Leah told Committee that, following extensive research to augment her professional experience, she has drafted a Safeguarding Policy which was on the Agenda for next Owmby Parish Council meeting to be adopted. Following this she would send the policy to Normanby Parish Council.
The Committee agreed to the programme as it appeared in the Community Park Action Plan 2021. Proposed: Angie Hanson Seconded: Barbara Moulson |
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Clarification of Current Terms of Reference
There was a discussion regarding the agreed Terms of Reference, since this had been called in to questions. It was pointed out that the Terms of Reference had been typed up by Normanby Parish Clerk, emailed on to Owmby Parish Clerk and was then ratified by both Parish Councils at their respective AGMs.
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The Chairman had presented a document outlining some suggested changes/additions to the Terms of Reference that he invited the Committee to discuss, prior to forwarding these suggestions to the Parish Councils for consideration. The intention of these suggestions is to strengthen and clarify the Terms of Reference.
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Proposed Addition to paragraph 2 Objectives ‘Establish a bank account for the CPC’ The Chairman stated that it was important for the CPC to be able to manage day to day operational funds for the running of events etc. Angie argued that this would not be legal. Action: Advice to be sought (JS)
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Additional paragraph (3) to Objectives The suggested addition was to establish a for formal reporting channel to the two PCs at the respective meetings. Isabelle requested that if this was to be achieved then sufficient notice of PC meetings (say, a minimum of two weeks) would be required. If the PCs planned an annual calendar of meetings at the start of the year then planning a reporting schedule would be greatly simplified. Action: PC to be approached with this suggestion (IB & AH) Annual schedule of CPC meetings to be drafted (JS/IB)
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Additional paragraph (5) to Objectives ‘To lead and approve all aspects of works to the Community Park, in accordance with the Council Financial Regulations of Owmby PC (account holder) and Standing Orders until such time that the CPC has established its own bank account’. This addition would allow the CPC the necessary flexibility to put agreed budgeted work in place. Action: A formalised system for payment to be put in place (IB)
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Additional paragraph (4) to Committee Membership ‘The members of the Committee and any sub-committee shall work as an affiliate of the Joint Parish Councils. Their collective decision-making responsibilities in the Committee are limited by these Terms of Reference. The Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary are elected by the Committee from amongst its members at its first meeting’ This paragraph establishes the relationship between the different parties.
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Addition to paragraph (2) to Meetings ‘provided there are two weeks between the agendas to receiving reports.’ If minutes of meeting are to be available for CP meetings, there must be sufficient time specified for these minutes to be produced.
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Additional paragraph (3) to Meetings ‘All resolutions will be decided by a majority. A minimum of 4 will represent a quorum. Votes and views for consideration can be submitted by email when desired to enable involvement of business, 24 hours before the start of business. Proxy voting will not be used for any membership or strategy / policy decisions.’ Inclusion of this will aid the smooth running of the business of the Committee.
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Additional paragraph (5) to Meetings ‘For the exclusion of the public and Press – to be read out prior to going into private session. To resolve that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of schedule 12A of the Act’ This gives the correct procedure to follow in the event of confidentiality being needed.
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Additional paragraph (2) to Finance ‘The Committee shall have the authority to make decisions to spend the monies allocated from earmarked reserves up to an amount
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Financial update
A report was circulated showing the current balance derived from both Capital Account (OPC Reserve Account) and Operational/Petty cash Account (Lloyds) is £4604.27
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Action Plan for 2021 – for discussion and approval before sending to Joint Meeting of the Parish Councils
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It was suggested that a swing suitable for a wheelchair user would be an asset, such a nest swing
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A Safeguarding Policy would be necessary for funding applications. Denise is currently drafting such a policy which would be presented for adoption by Owmby PC at its next meeting. Agreed that it would be shared with Normanby PC thereafter.
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Angie asked that the installation of the swing be brought forward. Isabelle said that the cash flow forecast was carefully constructed to ensure that there would always be funds available to run fund-raising events. It was noted that the very successful summer fete almost failed to be staged because the play equipment took all the Community Park funds.
If the purchase of swings was brought forward it would be at the expense of some of the volunteer projects which would be dealing with accessibility and safety, which should have priority.
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Noted that fund-raising is a vital part of the CPC’s role.
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It was resolved to seek approval for the 2021 Action Plan from the Parish Councils at the forthcoming Joint Meeting.
Proposed: I Brooke Seconded: B Moulson Carried unanimously
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Any other items for discussion and inclusion on next Agenda
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Date of next meeting
Notes from Public Participation
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A member of the public raised questions about what grant funds were still available and was told that of all grants received, the sum of £1873.82 remained, none of which had earmarking conditions attached.
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She questioned the need for the proposed hub rather than other equipment on the park, such as swings. It should be made clear that funding for the hub will from grant funding and it is not proposed that it should take money from other activities.
The Chairman thanked her for her interest.