October 2020 Agenda
To all Councillors – you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting being held on Wednesday 8th January 2020 at 7.30 p.m. IN THE SCHOOL HALL
If any member of the public present wishes to voice their views on any subject, they may do so prior to the meeting starting. If the subject does not appear later on the agenda, then the subject cannot be discussed by Council at this meeting but, if wished, will go on the agenda for the next meeting.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Co-opt new Councillor
3. Elect a Vice-Chair
4. Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 13th November 2019
5. District Councillor’s report
6. County Councillor’s report
7. Police report – recent crimes
8. Highways: potholes, kerb by B&G, Highgate Lane
9. Councillor training
10. Dog bins
11. Finance:
a) Final precept amount
b) Hire of meeting premises
c) Toner cartridge for PC printer £28.61
Balance in bank at 21.11.19 £8,013.31
12. Planning:
Application no 140224 Keepers Cottage, Main Street: a request for certain conditions of previous application (134255) to be removed – Noted no objections
Application no 140254 The Poplars, Main Street: a re-submission of application (139326) Noted no objections
Any applications received up to 8/01/2020
13. Community Park: (a) report, (b) finance report, (c) review the ToR (d) ratify new committee member
14. MoU
15. Cemetery: fixed notice board; repairing path
16. Use of website
17. Correspondence: received up to 08/01/2020
18. Date and venue of next meetings
Mrs N Fox, (Clerk)