May 2020 Agenda (8th)
To all Councillors – you are hereby summoned to attend a CLOSED meeting being held on Friday 8th May 2020 at 7.00 pm a closed virtual meeting using Zoom
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of meeting held on Weds 8th January and Thurs 30th April 2020
3. Highways: potholes (Private Lane, Highgate Lane) kerb by B&G
4. Finance: a) Discuss how to make payments during Covid-19
b) Green Grass – cemetery and hedge cut £213.36
c) LALC annual subscription April 2020/2021 £102.00
d) to approve draft accounts to 31st March 2020
Balance in bank at 21.04.20 £8,909.70
5. NP – To collate all Cllrs comments, to be referred to at the Annual Parish Meeting
6. Defibrillator checker
7. Councillor Training
8. Planning:
Application no 140224 Keepers Cottage, Main Street: a request for certain conditions of previous application (134255) to be removed APPROVED
Application no 140254 The Poplars, Main Street: a re-submission of application (139326) APPROVED
Any applications received up to 8/05/2020
9. Cemetery: fixed notice board; repairing footpath
10. Correspondence: received up to 8/05/2020
11. Date and venue of next meetings
Mrs N Fox, (Clerk)