May 2020 Agenda (26th)
Please note that due to Annual Parish Meetings not being permitted to be held using Zoom, they cannot be held until lockdown is fully over.
To all Councillors – you are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Parish Council meeting, using Zoom, on Tuesday 26th May 2020 starting at 7.30pm.
If any member of the public joins the meeting and wishes to voice their opinions on matters on the agenda, they may do so for the first 15 minutes.
1. Election of Chair
2. Election of Vice-Chair
3. Apologies for absence
4. Minutes of Annual PC meeting held on Wednesday 15th May 2019
5. Election of Community Park Committee
6. To sign off accounts
a) Neighbourhood Plan – to re-take vote taken on September 18th 2019
b) if the vote above is unchanged: To look into the feasibility of Normanby PC conducting their own Neighbourhood Plan
Mrs N Fox, Clerk