Many bus services in Lincolnshire are changing throughout April and May.
To find more information regarding bus services we would like to direct you to where you can find bus service updates and changes including timetables, journey planning and operator information.
Many of the seasonal changes commence in the East Coast area of Lincolnshire in April/ May. These includes Mablethorpe, Skegness, Ingoldmells, Alford and Chapel St Leonards. Updated timetables can be found at
Follow our twitter feed @lincsbus where we share operator information and news. Aldo available is the Lincolnshire Transport Helpline on 0345 456 4474 for advice and information with public transport.
The information below is regarding CallConnect/ ConnectBus operated areas:
As you are aware there are multiple Bank Holidays taking place throughout the month of May.
CallConnect and ConnectBus will not be operating on these dates and our booking offices will be closed on:
Bank Holiday Monday 1 May
Bank Holiday Monday 8 May
Spring Bank Holiday Monday 29 May
Please see link to with more information-
Maisie Kirwan
Sector Development and Promotion Officer
Lincolnshire County Council
Crown House, Grantham Road, Lincoln, LN2 1BD
Phone: 01522 55302
Email: TSGPublicityTeam@Lincolnshire.