January 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21 January 2020

at the Bottle & Glass, Normanby by Spital






Meeting attended by: Jeff Summers, Isabelle Brooke, Danny Mellor, Sara Carter, Barbara Moulson, John Moulson, Angela Hanson.


Apologies received from:  Denise Leah, Jamie Marshall





Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2019 were accepted as accurate.





Matters Arising




It was agreed that the Sub-Committees Chairmen should act as main point of contact for the Park, Events and Grants/Funding, as appropriate. Parish Clerks to be informed whom to contact.






Reported that current Safeguarding advice is that playgrounds and area where children congregate and play should be open to view.


Therefore, the ideal would be to completely remove the hedge adjoining Normanby Road and replace with a suitable fence. Also recommended that the playground should have a ROSPA standard fence placed around it. Given that both of these ideal options will cost a considerable amount, it was agreed that the first step should be to explore possible grant funding.


In the meantime, as a matter of urgency, it was proposed to lower the Normanby Road hedge to a height of one metre. It was felt that a flail cutter would not be ideal but rather a circular saw should be employed so as to make as neat a cut as possible and minimise mess. This will possibly limit the number of quotes that may be available but this is agreed to be a matter of health and safety.

















A mock-up of a leaflet to circulate to residents to publicise future events was shared, Once the Events Committee meet to discuss to practicability of the proposed events the leaflet can be approved and distributed.






Dates for the next three Committee meetings were agreed as Tuesday  18 February,

24 March and 21 April.







Committee membership & working practice


Better communication to ensure that all members of the Committee are aware of the work being carried out by others would help effectiveness. The Chairs of each of the Sub-Committees to act as focal point for such communication.







Discussion on Terms of Reference


The Chairman shared two documents to form the basis for future discussion. It was agreed that members should each read and make notes and suggestions ready for the next meeting. It is hoped then to have a draft document with suggested changes ready to take to the Joint Parish Councils meeting in the Spring.







Report on Christmas Jumper Walk & Raffle


A written report had been circulated prior to the meeting. The events were agreed to be a great success. The combined total raised was £399.











A report had been circulated prior to the meeting.




Reported that the Christmas Raffle and Jumper Walk has raised a net sum of £399.00




A cheque for £854.11 had been received from the Co-op.






VAT reclaim or Gift Aid




Following a discussion it appeared that the majority of Committee members are still of the opinion that reclaiming VAT was preferable to claiming Gift Aid, despite Gift Aid being 25% rather than the 20% VAT. The reasons for this were the ambiguity as to whether monies may be judged to be donations, the extra administration, and the involvement of another body (NOCT).




As had been discussed in the past, members were concerned that the involvement of NOCT could remove decision making from the CPC, thereby reducing it to a fund-raising committee.





Report on damage to Park following work to overhead cable





Cllr Hanson reported that she and Cllr Bellamy had met with a representative of Northern Powergrid to assess the damage to the grass during the recent work to bury overhead cables.




The damage was judged to be moderate and would only require surface rolling. A suitable contractor could be employed to do this.



(NB It is not clear if Northern Powergrid would pay for this work directly or whether it would reimburse retrospectively, or if any conditions of purchase will apply. This information is being sought by Normanby Parish Clerk)





Infrastructure for Park




IB reported that it appears that it would be possible to acquire a second-hand, vandal-proof ‘welfare cabin’ with an integral generator and toilet for between £2,500 and £5,000. It was agreed that such a cabin would be a useful base from which to run events on the park. It was noted that while it would not an attractive feature there would be many ways to improve its appearance.






Cllr Hanson said that Normanby Councillors had been unenthusiastic about the idea of a storage container on the park and said that a letter to both Chairmen would be the appropriate way forward. IB offered to draft a letter for the Committee Chairman.





Addition to Agenda




Since the Agenda had been circulated, SC had been in discussion with the Principal of Normanby School to propose holding a VE Day Celebration at the school. It was to be taken to the Governors for approval. It is proposed that the event could be jointly run between the CPC, WI and the school. It would be discussed at the Events Committee and details would be brought to the next CPC meeting.





Items for next Agenda





It was agreed that reports from each of the Sub-Committee Chairmen should form a regular Agenda item.





Date of next meeting


Tuesday 18 February